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By Dennis and Abir. Had to be Christian to be citizen Ruled in kingdoms Isabella- Kingdom of Castile Ferdinand- Kingdom of Aragon Heresy was crime that.

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Presentation on theme: "By Dennis and Abir. Had to be Christian to be citizen Ruled in kingdoms Isabella- Kingdom of Castile Ferdinand- Kingdom of Aragon Heresy was crime that."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Dennis and Abir

2 Had to be Christian to be citizen Ruled in kingdoms Isabella- Kingdom of Castile Ferdinand- Kingdom of Aragon Heresy was crime that was often committed Civil war between Castile and Aragon occurred before Isabella and Ferdinand married Marriage brought peace between kingdoms A gibbet was one of the forms of punishment for the committing of Heresy

3 Inquisition Jews and Muslims forced to leave Spain Out of 200,000 Jews, 150,000 left instead of converting to Christianity Ones who converted to Christianity were still accused of heresy as well as tortured, punished, and killed 2,000 executions from 1478- 1490 Saying said that being a “true Spaniard” is close to being a “true Christian” Isabella being a devote Roman Catholic understood that in a Christian state, there was one king, one law, one faith

4 Jews leaving as a result of inquisition limited the lending of money and Christians couldn’t do anything about it Lead to a down fall in the economy Christopher Columbus discovering America allowed trade to start between Europeans and the Indians

5 Bombards Cannons Heavy Cavalry Knights

6 Reconquista- centuries long effort to drive Muslims out of Spain (started 1063) By 1400’s, Muslims only held Granada Civil war between Castile and Aragon 1469– Marriage or Ferdinand and Isabella 1482-1492– Conquest of Granada 1504– Death of Isabella 1516– Death of Ferdinand

7 Christopher Columbus Took Jews and Muslims on ships to the Americas Funded by Ferdinand and Isabella Accidentally discovered America, originally intended to reach Asia

8 Situated on the Iberian peninsula Aragon + Castile joined in 1469 Granada conquered in 1492 Part of Navarre conquered in 1504 after Isabella’s death Modern borders developed in 1516 when Ferdinand died

9 Inquisition effected all of Spain Jews left Economy lost satiability and fell A bad economy led to the downfall of Isabella and Ferdinand’s rule

10 Borders created by Ferdinand in 1516= borders of today Christopher Columbus discovered America and allowed European countries to start settlements and begin a new civilization Created the nation of Spain the way it is today

11 Tightest Spain budget in decades passes hurdle Theme- Peace and Security, because it is related to the economy Summary- Spain is lowering the budget by $36 billion to help resolve the economic crisis. By June, the budget is expected to get final approval. Relation to Class- Isabella and Ferdinand caused a bad economy when they forced all the Jews and Muslims, who were money lenders, to leave. Reaction- We think this is a step in the right direction to restoring the economy in Spain.

12 "Isabella of Castile 1451–1504 Spanish Queen." Renaissance: An Encyclopedia for Students. Ed. Paul F. Grendler. Vol. 2. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2004. 189-190. Gale World History In Context. Web. 26 Apr. 2012. Krieger, Larry, Kenneth Neill, and Edward Reynolds. World History: Perspectives on the past. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath, 1997. Print. Shubert, Adrian. The Land and People of Spain. New York, NY: HarperCollinsPublishers, 1992. Print.

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