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Change4Life: Primary Dan Wilson Harrow School Improvement Partnership.

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Presentation on theme: "Change4Life: Primary Dan Wilson Harrow School Improvement Partnership."— Presentation transcript:

1 Change4Life: Primary Dan Wilson Harrow School Improvement Partnership


3 Objectives To facilitate discussion which will lead to sharing of best practice and generate ideas and enthusiasm for local C4L Primary delivery To inform colleagues of the delivery, successes and failures in Harrow

4 Testimonial “The club has brought children who were low on confidence an amazing level of confidence they have not achieved before” Sports Coach, Vaughan Primary School

5 Task I What barriers are there for children preventing engagement in physical activity or being healthy?

6 Task I Teenage girls don't think that sport is cool and it may well be that that is happening at an earlier age. It's also important for young girls to see positive female sporting role models, who are in the media for their sporting abilities not for how they look Dr Mark S Pearce, Newcastle University (2012) Barriers to participation included challenges to identity, such as having to show others an unfit body, lacking confidence and competence in core skills or appearing overly masculine Allendar, S. et al (2006) 70% children do at least 1hr physical activity per day, however only half ate any fruit or veg. SPEEDY study (2008)

7 Task I Making activities more affordable, increasing access to clubs for dancing and combining sports with leisure facilities; and more 'non-traditional' activities to choose from in school PE. Rees, R (2001) Both boys and girls from lower-income families attended significantly fewer sessions of structured out-of-school activity than those from wealthier families Voss, L.D. (2008) The increase in physical activity… was explained by… an emphasis on health rather than competition Snape, R. (2008)

8 Task II ProblemResolution Girls public image Lack of confidence Poor diet Affordability Range of sports offered in PE Competitive nature

9 C4L Primary - Harrow Planning Training Delivery Alexandra School Vaughan School Celebration event

10 Task III What have been the most successful ingredients in the delivery of the C4L programme in your area? What hasn’t worked?

11 Sustainability Whole school impact measurements: Impact survey first cohort Participation data Link to Ofsted framework (data for “groups”) Support for how C4L impacts whole school improvement Details written into SEF Follow up training PE and school sport pre-Ofsted style health check TA/ LSA/ SMSA training for behaviour management, positive lunch times etc All support available through the HSIP (locally and nationally)

12 The future… Original funding has been held back to support the future of the programme Marketing Running courses Resources for new schools

13 Task IV What will you take away from this session to improve delivery in your area?

14 Contact Dan Wilson Curriculum Consultant for PE Harrow School Improvement Partnership 020 8416 8834

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