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By: Marissa Mahoney.

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1 By: Marissa Mahoney

2 To reduce Your Carbon Footprint Use different transportation
In a year you can prevent the release of more than 1500 pounds of CO2 by using a bike instead of A care. Based on an average commute distance of 30 miles roundtrip and 1 pound of CO2 produced for every mile you drive Like a bike…

3 Other ways … Like carpool.. And more efficient gas cars
A fuel-efficient car will use less fuel, meaning it will produce less waste, and will go father on a tank of gas One less car means less emissions is being spewed into the atmosphere. Under-inflated tires can reduce your gas mileage by up to 3%; every gallon of gas saved translates to 20 pounds of CO2 kept out of the air

4 Ways I can cut down on Carbon..
Energy Proof your home Ditch plastic water bottle Instead of using bottled water use Tap water, or fill up reusable water bottles. If you use bottled water make Sure to recycle the bottles keep your heating and cooling systems properly maintained, and switch to reusable filters when possible. Try switching from incandescent to compact florescent light bulbs.

5 You can Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
Try buying less, and reusing and fixing things when you can instead of buying new things. Manufacturing products produces an average 4-8 pounds of CO2 for every pound of manufactured product. In your home recycle all bottle, plastic and glass. You can recycle all of your paper, metals and all electronics. E-waste has a serious impact on both human health and the environment due to the heavy metals and substances commonly contained in electronics

6 Work cited Jefferson, Millie, producer, and Weekend America. "15 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint | Consumed | Sustainability Coverage From American Public Media." Sustainability Coverage From American Public Media. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 June < "Reducing Carbon Footprint, Reduce Carbon Footprint, How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint." GreenStudentU: Green Students, Environmental Education, & Eco-Lifestyles. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 June <

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