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Options Physics Honors Physics AP Physics AP Biology Marine Biology Anatomy/Physiology (current juniors only)

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2 Options Physics Honors Physics AP Physics AP Biology Marine Biology Anatomy/Physiology (current juniors only)

3 Physics/Honors Physics/AP Physics Types of Energy & Motion Heavily Math based Engineering majors, any science major (you will have to take a physics course in college)

4 AP Biology More biology A lot of memorizing Not strong in math

5 Marine Biology Marine Organisms and their environments Not an AP/honors level class

6 Anatomy/Physiology Human anatomy (parts of the body) and physiology (how they work) Lots of reading and memorizing

7 IB Students Must choose ONE track: Biology  Honors Chemistry  AP Physics  IB Physics HL Or Biology  Honors Chemistry  AP Biology  IB Biology HL

8 IB Students Note: you can “double up” science classes during your junior or senior year (preferable) by taking an AP class in another area. It is recommended that any “biology track” student who plans to major in a science in college also take at least college prep level physics

9 Non-IB Students Sequence of science classes doesn’t matter (as long as you meet course prerequisites)

10 Colleges “like” to see At least 3 years of science (4 is preferable, especially if majoring in a science-related field) Biology, Chemistry, Physics

11 Prerequisites: Physics – C- or better in course; B or better in math Honors Physics – B- or better in course; B or better in math AP Physics B – B or better in course; B or better in math AP Biology – B- or better in course Anatomy/Physiology – C or better in course; currently a JUNIOR Marine Biology – none

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