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 Identify tender, intermediate, and tough muscles  List specific muscles in various steaks.

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2  Identify tender, intermediate, and tough muscles  List specific muscles in various steaks



5  Examples:  Psoas major- Loin, on the back  Longissimus dorsi Back, along backbone

6  Examples:  Biceps femoris In the leg  Rectus femoris In the leg

7  Examples:  Cutaneous trunci Exterioir Abdominal  Trapezius Connects the shoulder and neck

8  Muscles: 1. Psoas major 2. Longissimus dorsi 3. Gluteus medius 4. Multifidus dorsi

9  Muscles: 1. Tensor fascia latae 2. Vastus lateralis 3. Biceps femoris 4. Gluteus medius 5. Psoas major 6. Vastus medialis 7. Rectusfemoris

10  Muscles: 1. Multifidus dorsi 2. Spinalis dorsi 3. Longissimus dorsi 4. Longissimus costarum

11  Identify tender, intermediate, and tough muscles  List specific muscles in various steaks

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