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Valley Splitting Theory for Quantum Wells

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1 Valley Splitting Theory for Quantum Wells
and Shallow Donors in Silicon Mark Friesen, University of Wisconsin-Madison International Workshop on ESR and Related Phenomena in Low-D Structures Sanremo, March 6-8, 2006

2 Valley Splitting: An Old Problem
(Fowler, et al., 1966) “It has long been known that this [two-fold] valley degeneracy predicted in the effective mass approximation is lifted in actual inversion layers…. Usually the valley splitting is observed in … strong magnetic fields and relatively low electron concentrations. Only relatively recently have extensive investigations been performed on these interesting old phenomenon.” (Ando, Fowler, and Stern, RMP, 1982) (Nicholas, von Klitzing, & Englert, et al., 1980)

3 New Methodology, New Directions
Different Materials: Si/SiGe heterostructures 500 nm Si substrate Si95Ge05 Si90Ge10 Si85Ge15 Si80Ge20 Si Different Knobs: Microwaves QD and QPC spectroscopy (No MOSFET gate) 200 nm Different Tools: New tight binding tools New effective mass theory Different Motivation: Qubits Single electron limit Small B fields J  0 Uncoupled J > 0 Swap

4 Electron density for P:Si
Quantum Computing with Spins Orbital states B field Confinement Energy Zeeman Splitting Valley Splitting Energy qubit Electron density for P:Si (Koiller, et al., 2004) Open questions: Well defined qubits? Wave function oscillations?

5 Outline Develop a valley coupling theory for single electrons:
Effective mass theory (and tight binding) Effect steps and magnetic fields in a QW Stark effect for P:Si donors Energy [meV] Theory Li P P:Si Electron Valley Resonance (EVR)

6 Motivation for an Effective Mass Approach
|(z)|2 Si (5.43 nm) Si0.7Ge0.3 (160 meV) 2- 2+ 1- 1+ Valley states have same envelope Valley splitting small, compared to orbital Suggests perturbation theory

7 Effective Mass Theory in Silicon
incommensurate oscillations (fast) envelope fn. (slow) kx ky kz bulk silicon valley mixing Bloch fn. (fast) Ec kz Kohn-Luttinger effective mass theory relies on separation of fast and slow length scales. (1955) Assume no valley coupling. Fz(k)

8 Effect of Strain ky kx kz strained silicon
Envelope equation contains an effective mass, but no crystal potential. Potentials assumed to be slowly varying.

9 Valley Coupling Ec V(r) kz F(k) central cell interaction F(r)
Interaction in k-space is due to sharp confinement in real space. Effective mass theory still valid, away from confinement singularity. On EM length scales, singularity appears as a delta function: Vvalley(r) ≈ vv (r) Valley coupling involves wavefunctions evaluated at the singularity site: F(0) shallow donor

10 Interference between interfaces causes oscillations in Ev(L)
Valley Splitting in a Quantum Well Si (5.43 nm) Si0.7Ge0.3 (160 meV) |(z)|2 cos(kmz) sin(kmz) Two -functions Interference Interference between interfaces causes oscillations in Ev(L)

11 Tight Binding Approach
dispersion relation Boykin et al., 2004 Si (5.43 nm) Si0.7Ge0.3 (160 meV) |(z)|2 confinement Two-band TB model captures Valley center, km Effective mass, m* Finite barriers, Ec

12 Calculating Input Parameters
Ec Boykin et al., 2004 2-band TB many-band theory Valley splitting [μeV] Excellent agreement between EM and TB theories. Only one input parameter for EM Sophisticated atomistic calculations give small quantitative improvements.

13 Quantum Well in an Electric Field
Effective Mass Self-consistent 2DEG from Hartree theory: asymmetric quantum well E Single- electron Tight Binding Boykin et al., 2004

14 Miscut Substrate Quantum well Barrier z z' x' x θ B s Substrate
Valley splitting varies from sample to sample. Crystallographic misorientation? (Ando, 1979)

15 Magnetic Confinement Large B field Small B field -fn. at each step
interference Large B field Small B field F(x) experiment uniform steps Valley Splitting, Ev Magnetic Field, B Valley splitting vanishes when B → 0. Doesn’t agree with experiments for uniform steps.

16 Step Disorder Simulation Vicinal Silicon - STM Geometry a/4 [100]
(Swartzentruber, 1990) Vicinal Silicon - STM 10 nm a/4 step bunching

17 Simulations of Disordered Steps
10 nm Color scale: local valley splitting for 2° miscut at B = 8 T Wide steps or “plateaus” have largest valley splitting. 8 T confinement 3 T confinement Correct magnitude for valley splitting over a wide range of disorder models. strong step bunching no step bunching weak disorder

18 Plateau Model Linear dependence of Ev(B) depends on the disorder model
“Plateau” model scaling: Scaling factor (C) can be determined from EVR Ev ~ C/R2θ2 “plateau” Confinement models: R ~ LB (magnetic) R ~ Lφ (dots)

19 Predicted valley splitting
Valley Splitting in a Quantum Dot 0.5 μm Volts Electrostatics 100 nm 50 nm Rrms = 19 nm (~4.5 e) ground state Predicted valley splitting = 90 μeV (2° miscut) = 360 μeV (1° miscut) ~ 600 μeV (no miscut) ~ 400 μeV (1e)

20 Stark Effect in P:Si – Valley Mixing
Energy [meV] 3 input parameters are required from spectroscopy. Only envelope functions depend on electric field.

21 Stark Shift spectrum narrowing
Electric field reduces occupation of the central cell. Ionization re-establishes 6-fold degeneracy.

22 Conclusions Valleys are coupled by sharp confinement potentials.
Valley coupling potentials are -functions, with few input parameter. Bare valley splitting is of order of 1 meV. (Quantum well) Steps suppress valley splitting by a factor of , depending on the B-field or lateral confinement potential. F(x) For shallow donors, the Stark effect causes spectrum narrowing. spectrum narrowing

23 Acknowledgements Theory (UW-Madison): Prof. Susan Coppersmith
Prof. Robert Joynt Charles Tahan Suchi Chutia Experiment (UW-Madison): Prof. Mark Eriksson Srijit Goswami Atomistic Simulations: Prof. Gerhard Klimeck (Purdue) Prof. Timothy Boykin (Alabama) Paul von Allmen (JPL) Fabiano Oyafuso Seungwon Lee

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