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Use, Value and Impact of Social Media on Public Relations Practitioners in the Fox Cities And the current state of college curriculum Jessica Gordon.

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Presentation on theme: "Use, Value and Impact of Social Media on Public Relations Practitioners in the Fox Cities And the current state of college curriculum Jessica Gordon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Use, Value and Impact of Social Media on Public Relations Practitioners in the Fox Cities And the current state of college curriculum Jessica Gordon

2 The Social Media Revolution  A quick look at the phenomenon via a popular social media channellook

3 Situation  Because this new form of communication is growing at a rapid pace, it is transforming the way businesses are able to communicate with their customers  PR practitioners are embracing social media as a valuable tactic to communicate with consumers  Social media has created a new style of marketing characterized by conversation and community

4 Importance  “Americans have tripled the amount of time they spend on social networking and blog sites” from just one short year ago (Nielsen, 2009)  Businesses are taking note of this and acting accordingly when implementing PR and marketing campaigns  As a future PR professional, it is important to understand how these channels:  are being used  impact the industry; and  are valued  Understanding these new media and effectively utilizing them is key for upcoming PR professionals

5 Purpose of this Study  Discover how PR professionals in the Fox Cities are actually using these new media  Uncover the impact and implications social media have on the industry  Determine how much PR professionals value social media as a means to communicate with the public  Investigate whether university journalism and/or public relations programs are keeping pace with this ever-growing phenomenon by offering adequate curriculum for their students

6 Current Use of Social Media  Wright & Hinson conducted two studies in 2009  Both sampled 574 public relations practitioners in U.S.  Questioned overall importance social media had on their communications and public relations efforts  Also asked how important these new media should be to their efforts  Current use results:  Search Engine Marketing was number one  Blogs, social networks, video sharing and forums followed  Photo sharing and social bookmarking (used to store, organize, search and manage web pages) were least important

7 Social Media Instruction in College Classrooms  Social media have grown exponentially in recent years making it difficult for colleges to integrate the new technologies into their curriculum  No research has produced any evidence of universities trying to implement this phenomenon into their communications or public relations programs  Thus, gaining primary research is very important

8 Methodology  Northeastern Wisconsin Public Relations Society of America (NEW PRSA) members were surveyed via an online survey  The 19 question survey was modeled after the studies completed by Wright and Hinson in 2009  Survey received a 30% return rate  Six select northeastern UW university journalism and/or public relations department chairs were surveyed  Questions probed whether they have integrated social media into their curriculum, or if they have plans to do so in the near future  Four of the six department chairs responded

9 Research Findings  Question #1 and #2 compare actual use with the value of certain social media channels #1#2

10 Research Findings  Nearly 70 percent of respondents agree or strongly agree that social media have changed the way their organization communicates  Nearly 75 percent of respondents agree or strongly agree that social media have changed the way their organization handles external communication  35 percent of respondents disagree that social media have affected internal communication, but 40 percent either agree or strongly agree that is has

11 Research Findings  Over 75 percent of respondents agree or strongly agree that social media and traditional media should be used congruently  60 percent disagree that they are in conflict with each other

12 Research Findings


14 People who receive information from mainstream media expect these outlets to be honest, tell the truth and advocate a transparent and ethical culture People who receive information from blogs and other social media expect these outlets to be honest, tell the truth and advocate a transparent and ethical culture

15 Research Findings  90 percent of respondents do not believe that a research or measurement study has been conducted regarding what employees are saying about their organization via blogs  Nearly 65 percent of respondents don’t believe research has been conducted about what members of other publics are saying about their organization via social media  More than half of respondents agree that PR pros should measure the amount of info being said about their organization; nearly 40 percent strongly agree  All respondents agree or strongly agree that:  content being said about organizations should be analyzed  PR professionals should analyze the impact this communication has on influentials or opinion leaders  PR professionals should analyze the impact this communication has on attitudes, opinions or behaviors

16 Research Findings  More than half of respondents only spend 1 – 10 percent of their time on social media  More than 75 percent of respondents indicated that no one employee is dedicated solely to social media  Social media is used to communicate mainly with current (68 percent) and potential (55 percent) customers and the news media (68 percent)  Currently, more than 75 percent of respondents use social media to see what people are saying about their company as compared to their competition and the industry

17 Results from UW Colleges  UW Madison  Does not have entire curriculum focusing exclusively on social media  Social media is addressed in following courses:  Intro & multi media courses  Strategic communications course  Madison has always avoided over specializing its curriculum  In early stages of a curriculum review  Note: Madison does not have a separate public relations program  UW Milwaukee  No curriculum focused on social media use or implementation  Social media are briefly addressed in following courses:  Media graphics  Publication design  Currently not taking any major steps to offer social media curriculum, but may add more to current classes

18 Results from UW Colleges cont.  UW Oshkosh  Currently, social media are taught in courses where the professor finds it relevant  Courses that cover social media briefly:  Advertising media  Public relations techniques  Advertising copy, layout and production  Advertising and PR competition classes  Stand alone course is in the works and will be offered in Spring 2011  Social media will become a part of most courses in the near future  UW Whitewater  Some curriculum is currently being implemented regarding social media  UWW also hosts various social media summits to educate students and community  Courses that address social media:  Tactics I & II  Offers a Social Media Optimization (SMO) course  In the process of adding more social media curriculum to its Organization Communication curriculum

19 Discussion of Findings – PR Practitioners  There is a discrepancy between the use of certain new media compared to its value  Social media HAVE changed the way organizations communicate  Social media and traditional media work together more than against  Social media and traditional media interchangeably influence one another  Social media are viewed as less accurate, credible, trusted and truthful than traditional media  Public relations practitioners are not measuring what is being said about their organizations even though they believe measurement is important  Time spent using social media is very minimal and no one employee is responsible

20 Discussion of Findings – UW Colleges  Social media have not been completely integrated into curriculum  All universities briefly touch on subject in some courses  Oshkosh and Whitewater seem farthest along  Madison is undergoing curriculum review, but is unsure if social media will ever be a stand alone course due to the avoidance of over specialization  Milwaukee is not taking any major strides because it is currently understaffed

21 Recommendations  Because social media are viewed as untrustworthy, inaccurate and not credible, stricter regulations should be implemented and enforced  i.e. A bloggers code of conduct  Public relations practitioners should focus on the measurement of social media more attentively  College campuses should implement stronger curriculum that better prepares future public relations professionals to use, implement and measure social media

22 The End  Questions, comments or concerns?

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