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Joint Operations Command Australia Brief UNCLASSIFIED Allan Deacon JCTC.

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Presentation on theme: "Joint Operations Command Australia Brief UNCLASSIFIED Allan Deacon JCTC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint Operations Command Australia Brief UNCLASSIFIED Allan Deacon JCTC

2 Joint Operations Command Scope  Management –Requirement –Vision –5E –ACGU Enclave –ACGU Management  Technical –US simulation services –Fault management –5E, other nations –Other US networks –Mission Trg networks

3 Joint Operations Command Requirement  External Customers –Aus-US JCTC MOU –Talisman Sabre, Coalition Virtual Flag –Experimentation community –US Force Structure Review  Internal Customers –Access to US simulation services –Integrated EXCON –Rationalise networks and services –Mission training networks

4 Joint Operations Command Vision  External Customer –Training (and experimentation) events can be coordinated and executed between nations without technical matters limiting desired functionality or outcomes.  Internal Customer –Information and resources can be readily shared and aligned between nations.

5 Joint Operations Command Five Eyes  Inclusion of NZ –ACGU Enclave ok, impact on Nations? –DTEN ok, Aus systems?  DTEN-DSN: DSNDTEN 5E Track data Email VTC VoIP Web ACGU

6 Joint Operations Command ACGU Training Enclave JTEN DTEN DMZ DTEN JTEN DMZ NCTE ACGU Enclave

7 Joint Operations Command ACGU Management  Authority  Purpose  Decision making and recording  Plan of Action and Milestones  Discussion papers

8 Joint Operations Command Technical Services  FMS –JCATS, JLOD, JECS, JTDS –NTB, JTIMS –Government and Contractor services  Terrain  EDS  Exercise Integration  Service Orientated Architecture

9 Joint Operations Command Fault Management  Time Zones  Ownership  Sharing Fault

10 Joint Operations Command Five Eyes & Other Nations DSNDTEN 5E ACGU DSN DTEN 5E ACGU SIPR

11 Joint Operations Command JTEN DTEN NCTE Accessing Other US Networks JMETC

12 Joint Operations Command JTEN DTEN CX-I TF CX-I Enoggera Canberra Mission Training Network Townsville  Operational –Aus Admin rights –Data transfer –Account creation Darwin Cultana

13 Joint Operations Command Questions ? UNCLASSIFIED Allan Deacon JCTC

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