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Project Folders Setup. Creating the Directory Structure for NHD Maintenance This Powerpoint will describe the ‘suggested’ method of creating a directory.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Folders Setup. Creating the Directory Structure for NHD Maintenance This Powerpoint will describe the ‘suggested’ method of creating a directory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Folders Setup

2 Creating the Directory Structure for NHD Maintenance This Powerpoint will describe the ‘suggested’ method of creating a directory structure on your workstation to store NHD data during the Maintenance Process, and will suggest a naming convention for each Geodatabase file used in the NHD Maintenance Process. It is critical to note that several versions of your Subbasin or Subregion Geodatabase will be used in the NHD Maintenance Process, including the original version in Geographic Coordinates, a reprojected version in some Projected Coordinate system, a QC version that will go through many Quality Control checks, and a final version in Geographic Coordinates. Please note this is a suggested directory structure and naming convention, the user may follow these suggestions, or may create their own directory structure and naming convention.

3 Open Windows Explorer Navigate to the C: or D: drive on your workstation. For this example, the D: drive will be used. Create New Folder directly under D: drive, and rename the new folder “A_NHD_Maintenance”. This naming convention will place the new folder near or at the top of the D: directory structure. All NHD work will be completed in this new folder.

4 In Windows Explorer Navigate into New Folder “A_NHD_Maintenance” Create a New Folder under “A_NHD_Maintenance”, and rename the New Folder “GNIS”. All Geographic Names and Information System (GNIS) information/shapefiles will be placed in this new folder.

5 In Windows Explorer Create a New Folder under “A_NHD_Maintenance”, and rename the New Folder “New_Reprojection_Templates”. All templates used to reproject NHD Geodatabase data will be placed in this new folder. Please note that several templates exist based on the version of the Geodatabase file used. Also note that templates exist to convert geodatabase data to a Projected Coordinate system and to a Geographic Coordinate system. A user may access the reprojection templates from the USGS NHD Stewardship webpage,

6 In Windows Explorer Create a New Folder under “A_NHD_Maintenance”, and rename the New Folder “Reference_Layers”. All reference layer data such as boundary shapefiles, HUC shapefiles, etc. will be placed in this new folder.

7 Folder (NHDMaintenance_Training_17Jan08_files) is copied with NHDMaintenance_Training_17Jan08.htm file. Do not delete this folder! Get Copy of Latest NHD Maintenance Process Document Obtain copy of ‘latest’ version of NHDMaintenance_Training.htm from USGS. Contact your NHD Technical Point of Contact to obtain the latest version. You may have a copy from a CD-ROM or DVD you obtained during an NHD Maintenance Training Class. You should verify with your Technical Point of Contact you have the latest version!

8 HTML document will have hot-links to up-to-date PowerPoint documents detailing the NHD Maintenance process. The NHD Maintenance Training HTML document is basically a process description document that lists all steps required to complete NHD Subregion Maintenance.

9 Create New Folder for Subregion Maintenance In Windows Explorer Create a New Folder under “A_NHD_Maintenance”, and rename the New Folder to the Subregion number (4 digit Hydrologic Unit Code) of the Subregion to be reviewed or edited. For this example, we will create a New Folder named “1804”.

10 In Windows Explorer Create New Folder under folder “1804”, and rename New Folder to “1804_orig”. This folder will contain the original Geodatabase data.

11 In Windows Explorer Navigate to New Folder “1804_orig”. Place a copy of the geodatabase to be edited into folder 1804_orig. Geodatabase file will typically be format. Unzip the original copy of the subregion geodatabase file. Copy new geodatabase file (NHD75464.mdb) and paste back to folder “1804_orig”. Rename copy file of original geodatabase to “1804_orig.mdb”.

12 Remove Geometric Network from original geodatabase file Open ArcCatalog. Navigate to folder “1804_orig”. Highlight ‘Hydrography’ Feature Dataset in “1804_orig.mdb”. Remove the Geometric Network from 1804_orig.mdb by highlighting “Hydro_Net”, right mouse click, then select ‘delete’ from drop down menu. Also see Delete_Network.ppt, in maintenance process.

13 In Windows Explorer Create New Folder under folder 1804, and rename New Folder to “1804_alb”. All editing to the NHD Geodatabase will be done in this directory!

14 In Windows Explorer Navigate to New Folder “1804_alb”. Place a copy of the Geographic to Albers reprojection template (NHD_AlbersEqArea_L48_v1.06_9.2.mdb) in this folder. Copy new reprojection template and paste back to folder “1804_alb”. Rename copy of reprojection template to “1804_alb.mdb”.

15 In Windows Explorer Create New Folder under folder 1804, and rename New Folder to “1804_qc”. This folder will contain the Geodatabase file to be reviewed.

16 In Windows Explorer Navigate to New Folder “1804_qc”. Place a copy of the original Geodatabase (“1804_orig.mdb from “1804_orig”) in this folder. Rename copy of original Geodatabase to “1804_qc1.mdb”.

17 In Windows Explorer Create New Folder under folder 1804, and rename New Folder to “1804_geo”. This folder will contain the Geodatabase file to be reviewed.

18 In Windows Explorer Navigate to New Folder “1804_geo”. Place a copy of the Albers to Geographic reprojection template (NHD_Geo_DD_L49_v1.06_9.2.mdb) in this folder. Copy new reprojection template and paste back to folder “1804_geo”. Rename copy of reprojection template to “1804_geo.mdb”.

19 In Windows Explorer Create New Folder under folder 1804, and rename New Folder to “1804_geo_load”. This folder will contain the final version of the edited Geodatabase file to be returned to USGS for review and upload. After completing all editing, the final version of the Geodatabase will be placed in this folder, renamed to “1804_geo_load.mdb”, and forwarded to USGS.

20 In Windows Explorer Create New Folder under folder 1804, and rename New Folder to “1804_backups”. This folder will contain backup files for the Geodatabase file being edited. It is suggested to make many backups during the editing process, and store all backup files in this folder.

21 1804_alb.mdb 1804_Mval_Checked_10_5_06.mdb 1804_geo.mdb 1804_geo_load.mdb 1804_orig.mdb 1804_qc1.mdb NHD Geodatabase Files that will reside in project folders

22 The following slide shows the general process flow for NHD Maintenance

23 NHD Stewardship Web site Extract from database UnZi p 1804_orig 1804_orig.mdb Save zip file in this folder 1804_alb 1804_alb.mdb All edits performed on this mdb 1804_qc 1804_qc1.mdb Copy of NHD75464.mdb with transactions applied 1804_geo 1804_geo.mdb 1804_alb.mdb reprojected to geographic 1804_geo_load 1804_geo_load.mdb Used for build flow, releveler and final XML extract Reproje ct XML Extract XML2pgd b Correction s? Yes No Make copy of final 1804_geo.mdb and name it 1804_geo_load.mdb Flow Diagram for NHD Maintenance Process

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