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Land Based Investment Delivery Ministry of Natural Resource Operations.

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Presentation on theme: "Land Based Investment Delivery Ministry of Natural Resource Operations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Land Based Investment Delivery Ministry of Natural Resource Operations

2 LBIP First Nations Information Sharing LBIP Interim First Nations Information Sharing guidelines 2010 on web site Includes: Consultation Matrix; Referral Letter Template; Referral Map Template; District contact list 2

3 Changing Environment 2011 Updated Procedures for Meeting Legal Obligations for Consultation Ministry of Natural Resource Operations Forest Consultation and Revenue Sharing Agreements (FCRSAs) and Matrices Future TOA’s / FNWL’s 3

4 Updated Procedures for Meeting Legal Obligations for Consultation Internal to Government Identifies the steps in the consultation process for the Crown (Duty to Consult) Role of the Proponent in Consultation 4

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9 Forest Consultation and Revenue Sharing Agreements (FCRSAs) Replace expiring FRA / FRO’s Activity-Based with 4 year Transition Purpose to provide Accomodation, and achieve Transformative Change Accord goals Split the Revenue sharing from the Tenure component Include a consultation matrix Public Accountability, FN Financial Obligations 9

10 Tenure Only Agreements / FNWL Can be volume or area based Direct Award; only following FCRSA or other agreement First Nation Woodland License ▫ Area Based; access to other forest values (Carbon or NTFP’s) ▫ Not out yet (legislation still lacking for implementation) ▫ Planning required (FSP or WLP) 10

11 2011/12 LBIP Information Sharing Minimal Changes to process District FN Consultation Contact list will be updated Projects will be packaged by LBIB and distributed to district contacts to share with First Nation groups Licensees will still need to do information sharing. 11

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