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VTPBiS Regional Coordinators Meeting May 2015. Welcome and Introductions.

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Presentation on theme: "VTPBiS Regional Coordinators Meeting May 2015. Welcome and Introductions."— Presentation transcript:

1 VTPBiS Regional Coordinators Meeting May 2015

2 Welcome and Introductions

3 AGENDA  Networking Activity – Your Spring Vacation!  Review Annual Fidelity Assessments  Review Top Two VTPBiS Problem Behaviors and Strategies  Additions to the Agenda?  VTPBiS Events and Activities:  Acknowledgement Survey  BEST/Act 230 Grants  Calendar  Coaching  Meetings Next Year!

4 Systems, Data and Practices!  Talk to your neighbor and discuss the following questions below.  We’ll hear a sampling of your responses as a large group…. SYSTEMS PRACTICES DATA What did you do on your vacation? What supports were helpful during your time off? How do you know your vacation was a success or not?

5 Review Annual Fidelity Assessments: Celebrations!

6 Review Annual Fidelity Assessments: Areas in Need of Improvement

7 What does Faculty Commitment Mean? Questions on the BoQ: 5. Faculty are aware of behavior problems across campus (regular data sharing) 6. Faculty involved in establishing and reviewing goals 7. Faculty feedback obtained throughout year

8 Strategies to Increase Faculty Commitment:  Staff Perceptions of Behavior and Discipline (SPBD) – NEW SURVEY   Administrator and leadership are key!!!  Create an environment where people feel safe  Use data tools and provide data information to others regularly  Others?

9 What does Implementation Plan Mean? Questions on the BoQ: 39. Develop, schedule and deliver plans to teach staff the discipline and data system 40. Develop, schedule and deliver plans to teach staff the lesson plans for teaching students 41. Develop, schedule and deliver plans for teaching students expectations/rules/ rewards 42. Booster sessions for students and staff are planned, scheduled, and delivered

10 What does Implementation Plan Mean? Questions on the BoQ Continued: 43. Schedule for rewards/incentives for the year is planned 44. Plans for orienting incoming staff and students are developed and implemented 45. Plans for involving families/community are developed & implemented

11 Strategies to Develop Annual Implementation:  Create, use and revisit implementation plan annually in August! n2015.docx n2015.docx  Use Calendar of Activities – – and create your own calendar  Planning should be done in May through August  Written materials should be accessed by all staff – post on website?  Keep the Implementation Plan alive!

12 What additional strategies do you have? What will you do differently back at your school?

13 Review Top Two VTPBiS Problem Behaviors:

14 Physical Aggression Evidence-based strategies: 1. Social Skills Programs a) Second Step b) PATHS c) Resolving Conflict Creatively d) Other programs? 2. Discipline Policies and Rules 3. School Climate Oriented Strategies – creating trust and respect

15 Social Skills Program Considerations:  Implement a Universal approach first, then modify for Targeted and Intensive  Features of good curricula:  Developmentally appropriate  Cognitive-behavioral  Teaches interpersonal problem solving  Teaches emotional literacy  Uses multiple teaching methods

16 Defiance Evidence-based strategies: interventions/challenging-students/school-wide-strategies-managing- defiance-non-complianc interventions/challenging-students/school-wide-strategies-managing- defiance-non-complianc  Positive recognition from teacher  Monitor classroom and redirect students proactively  Avoid teacher escalation  Teach positive ways to behave  Classroom Response Plan (including crisis response)

17 VTPBiS Professional Learning to address physical aggression and defiance :  CPI  LSCI  Social Skills webinar See the 2015/16 VTPBiS Professional Learning Calendar

18 What additional strategies do you have? What will you do differently back at your school?

19 Upcoming Events and Activities:  Please visit to view upcoming  Acknowledgement Survey  BEST/Act 230 Grants  2015/16 Professional Learning Calendar  Coaching  Meetings Next year!

20 Questions? Comments?

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