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Ingo DeppnerDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mainz, 19 - 23.03.2012 1 A Multistrip-MRPC Prototype for the CBM Time-of-Flight Wall Outline: CBM-ToF requirements Conceptional.

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Presentation on theme: "Ingo DeppnerDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mainz, 19 - 23.03.2012 1 A Multistrip-MRPC Prototype for the CBM Time-of-Flight Wall Outline: CBM-ToF requirements Conceptional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ingo DeppnerDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mainz, 19 - 23.03.2012 1 A Multistrip-MRPC Prototype for the CBM Time-of-Flight Wall Outline: CBM-ToF requirements Conceptional design of the CBM-ToF wall HD-MRPC design Experimental setup Results Summary / Next steps Ingo Deppner for the CBM-TOF Group Physikalisches Institut Uni. Heidelberg DPG – Frühjahrstagung 2012

2 Ingo DeppnerDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mainz, 19 - 23.03.2012 2 Motivation 80  120  1 ns RPC twisted pair cabe feed through gas box CBM-ToF Requirements  Full system time resolution  T ~ 80 ps  Efficiency > 95 %  Rate capability  25 kHz/cm 2  Polar angular range 2.5° – 25°  Occupancy < 5 % (for Au-Au(central) at E = 25 AGeV)  Low power electronics (~75.000 channels)  Pile-up < 5% Compressed Baryonic Matter Experiment at FAIR facility @ GSI Interaction rate 10 MHz Charged hadron identification is provided by Time-of-Flight (ToF) measurement Central Au+Au collision @ 25 AGeV, UrQMD + GEANT 160 p, 400  +, 400  -, 44 K +, 13 K -

3 Ingo DeppnerDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mainz, 19 - 23.03.2012 3 Conceptional Design Timing RPC with:  active area: A = 120 m 2  counter time resolution:  T ~ 50 ps  rate capability: R ~ 0.5 – 25 kHz/cm 2  granularity:  A ~ 6 – 50 cm 2  operation mode: free running (see talk of P.-A. Loizeau HK 34.6 ) Rate profile (Au-Au(minimum bias) at E=25 GeV/A) kHz/cm 2 A. Kiseleva, P.-A. Loizeau 44 SM (55%) have a rate < 1 kHz/cm 2

4 Ingo DeppnerDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mainz, 19 - 23.03.2012 4 Conceptional Design 1 Super Module 1 ns 1,5 m 1,0 m RPC 1 RPC 2 RPC 3 RPC 4 RPC 5 RPC 6 Region: A, B, C, D, E RPC electrode material A: float (window) glass B: semi conductive glass C: semi conductive glass D: semi conductive glass E: ceramics (see talk of A. Laso Garcia HK 4.5 )

5 Ingo DeppnerDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mainz, 19 - 23.03.2012 5 HD-MRPC design HD- MMRPC fully symmetric and differential active area 32 x 27 cm 2 strips32 strip / gap 7 / 3 mm glass typefloat glass glass thickness0.5 mm number of gaps8 gap width 220  m impedance100  pick-up electrode (green) Kapton foil (orange) HV electrode (blue) glass plates (light blue) HV electrode (blue) Kapton foil (orange) pick-up electrode (green) honeycomb st. M4 plastic screw Pickup electrode transmission line with 2 x 50  imp- edance to ground impedance of 100  connector to preamp. (PADI) or twisted pair cable cross section of the HD counter RPC in gas tight aluminum box RPC side view

6 Ingo DeppnerDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mainz, 19 - 23.03.2012 6 Experimental setup Test beam time @ COSY accelerator Jülich, Germany in Nov. 2011 with protons of 2,5 GeV Heidelberg RPC 4 front PMTs 2 back PMTs 2 RPCs from Tsinghua Univ., China 2 RPCs from NIPNE Romania 2 RPCs from HZDR Germany Hodoscope warmed-up backplane beam Beam profile extracted from Hodoscope is used for rate estimation beam area about 0,4 cm 2 vertical scintillator horizontal scintillator Ref. RPC NIPNE

7 Ingo DeppnerDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mainz, 19 - 23.03.2012 7 Results Mean cluster size is defined as the average number of neighboring strips firing simultaneously HV = 11.5 kV Thr. = 30 mV

8 Ingo DeppnerDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mainz, 19 - 23.03.2012 8 Results 95% HV = 11.5 kV Thr. = 30 mV HV = 11.3 kV rate < 500 Hz/cm 2 directly connected preamps allow for lowering the threshold by  5 mV

9 Ingo DeppnerDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mainz, 19 - 23.03.2012 9 Results dt = t Buc-RPC – t HD-RPC dt / channel counts dt spectrum  dt = 71.5 ps Considering equal time resolution for both MRPC‘s the time resolution for the indivi- dual RPC including the contribution of the electronics is about 51 ps 15,4 kHz/cm² 21,9 kHz/cm² 17,3 kHz/cm² 17,6 kHz/cm² increasing the temperature by 20°C improves the rate capability by 1 order of magnitude HV = 11.3 kV Thr. = 30 mV R  100 Hz/cm 2  RPC  51 ps

10 Ingo DeppnerDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mainz, 19 - 23.03.2012 10 Summary  At the Physikalisches Institut of Heidelberg University we developed a MMRPC prototype for the low rate region (below 1 kHz/cm 2 ) for CBM  This prototype was successfully tested with pions at SIS18 at GSI / Darmstadt and with protons at the COSY accelerator in Jülich  Based on these in-beam tests we can show that an efficiency above 95% was reached for preamplifier thresholds below 30 mV  Results obtained from the electronics mounted directly on the RPC indicate a higher stability in terms of noise and signal reflections  Warming up the RPC environment by 15 °C seems to be enough in order to fulfill the CBM - TOF requirement of the outer region  The mean cluster size for this prototype is in the order of 1.3 and growing with temperature  Time resolution is in the order of 50 ps Next steps  Further beam tests under full surface illumination condition  Building a full size demonstrator

11 Ingo DeppnerDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mainz, 19 - 23.03.2012 11 Next steps Full size demonstrator RPC fully differential active area 52 x 54 cm 2 PCB size 56 x 60 cm 2 (maximal size) strips52 strip / gap 7 / 3 mm glass typefloat glass glass thickness0.5 mm number of gaps8 - 9 gap width 220  m PADI board with 4 channel input (under developmet) transmission line with 2 x 50  imp- edance to ground connector to a 4 ch. PADI 5 cm 200 k  SMD resistor to ground 5 cm Super module # RPCs: 6 # strips: 312 # PADI (4 ch.) : 156 # channels: 624 total active area: 152 cm x 104 cm overlap h: 4 cm v: 2 cm box size (inside) 170 cm x 130 cm x 14 cm

12 Ingo DeppnerDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mainz, 19 - 23.03.2012 12 thank you for your attention Contributing institutions: Tsinghua Beijing, NIPNE Bucharest, GSI Darmstadt, USTC Hefei, PI Heidelberg, KIP Heidelberg, INR Moscow, ITEP Moscow, IHEP Protvino, HZDR Rossendorf, KU Seoul, CCNUWuhan, RBI Zagreb Special thanks goes to: Norbert Herrmann, Jochen Frühauf, Pierre Alain Loizeau, Krzysztof Wisniewski, Changzhou Xiang

13 Ingo DeppnerDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mainz, 19 - 23.03.2012 13 Backup 80  1 ns Backup Slides

14 Ingo DeppnerDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mainz, 19 - 23.03.2012 14 CBM Physics topics  Deconfinement / phase transition at high ρ B  QCD critical endpoint  The equation-of-state at high ρ B  chiral symmetry restoration at high ρ B Observables  excitation function and flow of strangeness and charm  collective flow of hadrons  particle production at threshold energies  excitation function of event-by-event fluctuations  excitation function of low-mass lepton pairs  in-medium modifications of hadrons (ρ,ω,φ → e+e-(µ+µ-), D) Backup non twisted part connector  p K D. Kresan Au + Au @ 25GeV Kaon acceptance depends critically on TOF resolution bulk observables and rare probes

15 Ingo DeppnerDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mainz, 19 - 23.03.2012 15 Backup

16 Ingo DeppnerDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mainz, 19 - 23.03.2012 16 Backup 80  1 ns

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