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There’s no place like home. 俗話說的好 : 月是故鄉圓。 國外的天空儘管如此的藍, 還是覺得沒有一個地方比的 上台灣好。

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Presentation on theme: "There’s no place like home. 俗話說的好 : 月是故鄉圓。 國外的天空儘管如此的藍, 還是覺得沒有一個地方比的 上台灣好。"— Presentation transcript:

1 There’s no place like home. 俗話說的好 : 月是故鄉圓。 國外的天空儘管如此的藍, 還是覺得沒有一個地方比的 上台灣好。

2 Have you ever been to these places? Why are they so special?

3 Do you know the answers? Yangmingshan National Park Mt. Ali Sun Moon Lake

4 Kenting National Park Taroko National Park

5 hot springs mountainous lake firework railway flowers viewing

6 sea of clouds marble gorge forest coral reef

7 Hi, I am Cherry. Let me introduce you five popular places in Taiwan. Please follow me ! Now, we have a tour guide here. Let’s welcome Cherry!

8 Location: Taipei Yangmingshan National Park Yangmingshan is famous for plants,insects, and hot springs. People go flower viewing there or take hot springs on holidays.

9 Sun Moon Lake Location: Nantou Sun Moon Lake is famous for mountainous lake. People go boating there and watch the fireworks on National Water Fireworks Festival.

10 Location: Chiayi Mt. Ali Mt. Ali is famous for railway, forest, sea of clouds, sunrise, and sunset. People go there in order to see the beautiful sunrise or sunset.

11 Kenting National Park Location: Pingtung Kenting is famous for coral reef. People like to go to the beach in summer and fly kites there.

12 Location: Hualien Taroko National Park is famous for its marble gorge. Taroko National Park

13 My dear students, can you find out any sentence pattern? Please write down the sentences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

14 Learning English is fun! Students, we have known five popular places in Taiwan. Do you remember them? You can use the sentence pattern: Ex: Mt. Ali is famous for sunrise. ______ is famous for _______.

15 Yangmingshan National Park Yangmingshan National Park is famous for ____________.

16 Kenting National Park Kenting National Park is famous for ____________.

17 Sun Moon Lake is famous for____________. Taroko National Park is famous for _________.

18 ________ is famous for ______________.

19 Thank you for your coming! I hope you all had a good time. Now, you know five famous places in Taiwan. You can visit them with your friends! Next time, we will take a trip to the night markets in Taiwan. See you then, bye!

20 照片來源: 阿里山國家風景管理處 內政部營建署陽明山國家公園管理處 太魯閣國家公園管理處 泡湯網 -The End-

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