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The Great Barrier Reef Tourism By: Guiam, Maddie T and Alicia.

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Presentation on theme: "The Great Barrier Reef Tourism By: Guiam, Maddie T and Alicia."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Great Barrier Reef Tourism By: Guiam, Maddie T and Alicia

2 Did you know?

3 About 2 million people visit the G.B.R every year!!!

4 Impacts of Tourism All tourists need: Accommodations Transportation Shopping and Entertainment Water and Food Waste and Sewage management

5 That means… If all the 2 million people need all of the above then what happens is… More workers to: Entertain the people (like go diving with them, present shows, etc.) Monitor the people (in order to protect the reef) Serve food Clean after them (maid service) Transport the people to places

6 It gives more work opportunities for many and brings good money used for good purposes in but… That some people do nasty things like: - Steal live coral (break it off from the reef) - Step on coral - Throw trash around - Fish in the wrong areas DONT DO THIS!!!

7 Do you want to see this… NO

8 And we dont have to if we keep our environment healthy, clean and safe for both animals and humans! And

9 And we can also do nice things like… DONATING MONEY TO SEE THE REEF

10 Did you know?

11 Tourism to the reef generates approximately AU$ 4-5 billion per year!

12 Impacts If so much money is spent that shows that a lot of people visit the G.B.R. so a lot of buildings/hotels, etc. need to be built so it can hold the capacity of the tourists.

13 Food If food needs to be provided for the tourists, they need to be grown somewhere. That means that all the trash, chemicals etc. needs to be put somewhere and usually it ends up in the ocean.

14 Do you know?

15 Tourist or Terrorist? Are you a...

16 Tourist? Not picking up coral or trashing the place!!!

17 OR

18 Terrorist? Stepping on coral and trashing the place!!!

19 Just be aware and considerate of the world around you!

20 Now you should know!

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