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CHECKOUTS BY: MADE BY: ALANA & NADIA :D. SUMMERY FOR CHECKOUTS A girl who moves into a new town and she likes to go to the store and she meets a bag boy,

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2 SUMMERY FOR CHECKOUTS A girl who moves into a new town and she likes to go to the store and she meets a bag boy, but is nervous to talk to him. When she was checking out the boy drops a jar and she fell in love with him. She leaves the store and comes back the next day but doesn’t pay attention to him. A rich guy try’s to date the girl. Latter the bag boy and the girl see each other at the movies and they smile but they don’t do anything there just friends.

3 LITERARY ELEMENTS A Symbol in the story is the mayonnaise when he drops the jar is means that there love would never be because it breaks. The protagonist is the girl because she is the one telling the story and falling in love with the bag boy. The Antagonist is the bag boy because he didn’t do any thing for the girl when she went with someone else.

4 MAJOR CONFLICTS The first conflict was the girl moving to Ohio and her disliking it. The second is when she falls in love with the bag boy but doesn’t say anything to him. The last is when she dates the other guy and not the bag boy.

5 SETTING & THEME The setting takes place in Cincinnati, Ohio possibly in a small town. The theme is love. Love doesn’t always work sometimes. ;(

6 7 QUESTIONS 1.What is the girls’ hair color? RED. 2. Is the girl happy with her new home? No. 3. What does the boy drop when he is bagging the girl’s groceries? The jar of mayonnaise. 4. What does she enjoy doing? Going to the grocery store 5.Does she stay with the bag boy? No she goes with a rich guy.

7 7 QUESTIONS CONTINUED… 6.Does she talk to the boy at the movie theater? No she looks at him and smiles. 7.What does she wear in her hair the first time she goes to the grocery store? A huge orange bow.

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