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State Board of Education January 2014 Adoption of a New State Review Schedule and Implement a Facilitated Independent Adoption Process for Mathematics.

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Presentation on theme: "State Board of Education January 2014 Adoption of a New State Review Schedule and Implement a Facilitated Independent Adoption Process for Mathematics."— Presentation transcript:

1 State Board of Education January 2014 Adoption of a New State Review Schedule and Implement a Facilitated Independent Adoption Process for Mathematics 1

2 Outline Issues before the Board Approval of a new schedule for state level review of instructional materials, and Implementation of a facilitated independent adoption process to support districts who need to adopt CCSS mathematics materials in the next two years 2

3 Background Statute dictates that the State Board of Education shall review and adopt a list of textbooks and other instructional materials to be used by school districts [ORS 337.050] The State Board of Education is charged with setting the schedule for adoptions [ORS 337.050] – Adoption period consists of the seven-year period following adoption of an instructional materials list [OAR 581-011-0070 (2)] Districts can independently adopt materials provided they meet the criteria established by the Board [OAR 581-022-1622] 3

4 Background In December 2013, the State Board of Education authorized ODE staff to develop an interim process to facilitate the independent adoption of mathematics materials in 2014 & 2015. Specifically, the Board also asked ODE staff to: – Explain possible options for adjusting the review schedule – Identify potential impact of CCSS implementation associated with changing adoption schedule 4

5 Possible options for Oregon Adoption Cycle Current Purchasing Cycle 2006: Arts 2007: English/Language Arts (ELA) 2008: Health and PE 2009: Math (K-8) 2010: Math (9-12) & Science (K-12) 2011: World Language 2012: Social Science 2013: “Bridge Year” CCSS Math & ELA 2014: CCSS English/Language Arts (ELA) 2015: CCSS Mathematics & English Language Proficiency (ELP) 2016: Science 2017: World Language 5

6 Have districts been purchasing on our cycle? Evidence indicates that state and district adoption cycles are not in sync – Implication: For the past 5 years, Oregon districts have averaged spending approximately 40% less on materials than is typically seen in our state A number of districts that will likely need to purchase materials in more than one subject area in the coming years. A number of districts likely purchased math materials in 2009 or 2010, putting the scheduled CCSS math adoption (2015) approximately five years after purchasing math materials in some districts. – Data from the Northwest Textbook Depository shows lower expenditures of new materials in Oregon for multiple school years 2007 [+81% of 2008 expenditures] (ELA adoption year) 2008 – Baseline “average” purchasing level (Health & PE adoption year) 2009 [-34% of 2008 baseline] (Math K-8) 2010 [-8% of 2008 baseline] (Math 9-12 & Science K-12) 2011 [-41% of 2008 baseline] (World Language) 2012 [-51% of 2008 baseline] (Social Studies) 2013 [-56% of 2008 baseline] (CCSS Bridge Year) 6

7 District survey results: CCSS materials adoption plans 7 Summary of district CCSS adoption survey results [28 district responses] CCSS ELA materials adoption plans – 44% indicated 2014 purchase, 33% indicated 2015-2017, 20% indicated no plans at this time CCSS Math adoption plans – 27% indicated 2014 or sooner; 52% indicated 2015 or 2016; 21% indicated 2017 or no plans Local reviews – 50% indicated they are planning local review; 18% indicated no plans for local review Type of adoption – 63% indicate purchasing off state list in the past; 15% indicated independent adoption

8 Three likely types of district situations for purchasing math materials Districts on the adoption cycle purchased ELA materials (2007) and Math (2009 or 2010) – Likely looking to purchase CCSS ELA (2014) – May need additional year or two purchase math materials Districts off schedule due to lack of funding – Difficulty in purchasing any materials in coming school years – Looking to leverage Open Educational Resources Districts off schedule in anticipation of CCSS materials – May have opted to not purchase math in 2010 with the adoption of CCSS – Looking to 2015 for major purchase of math materials 8

9 Adoption Cycle Options Current Purchasing Cycle 2014: CCSS English/Language Arts (ELA) 2015: CCSS Mathematics & ELP 2016: Science 2017: World Language* Proposed revised schedule with Facilitated Independent Adoption for math** 2014: CCSS English/Language Arts (ELA) 2015: English Language Proficiency (ELP)** 2016: Science** 2017: CCSS Mathematics* 2018: TBD* *potentially reviewed using updated process 9

10 Recommended facilitated independent adoption process in math for 2014 & 2015 10 Impact of schedule change would mean: – ODE staff would not be taking the following actions in mathematics: Receive funds from publishers to review mathematics materials in Spring 2014 Convene a state-wide panel to review math materials in Summer 2014 Present a recommended adoption list of math materials to the State Board in Fall 2014 Implementation of a Facilitated Independent Adoption process would mean: – ODE staff would be taking the following actions to support district adoption in mathematics in 2014 and 2015: Develop and adopt a review criteria for CCSS mathematics materials (Jan 2014) Put out a call for publishers to identify CCSS materials in mathematics (Spring 2014) Provide summaries of identified materials written by publishers (Spring 2014) Support the local and/or regional review of mathematics materials (beginning Summer 2014) Share results of local review of materials to provide support for Oregon districts unable to conduct their own review Ensure mathematics materials identified as “CCSS aligned” in 2014 and 2015 would retain their designation after new legislation is passed

11 Potential impact of revised schedule on CCSS implementation Districts on the existing adoption cycle – Likely looking to purchase CCSS ELA (2014) – Have materials from 2009/2010 that would likely have CCSS supplements from their publishers – Have time to plan ahead for major purchase in 2017 Districts off schedule due to lack of funding – Beginning as soon as 2014, they would receive support in reviewing low cost or OER resources through facilitated independent review process Districts saving for CCSS material purchase in 2014-16 – Can still purchase materials through an independent review process – Districts not able to conduct a local review still would be able leverage materials identified as aligned to Oregon CCSS Math criteria All districts would be able to take advantage of math adoption list created by a new process in 2017 11

12 Adoption of new review cycle and implementation of a facilitated independent adoption process for math POLICY CHOICE BEFORE THE BOARD: Should the board authorize ODE staff to proceed with the state level mathematics review and adoption under the current state level review scheme and schedule as previously established by the Board, or Should the board authorize ODE to implement the facilitated independent adoption of CCSS math materials at the district and/or regional level and approve a new schedule for state level review of instructional materials? STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ODE staff recommends that the board take the following actions: Authorize ODE staff to carry out a facilitated independent adoption process in mathematics to support the purchase of CCSS materials until new legislation can be enacted; and Adopt a new schedule for the state level review of instructional materials. 12

13 District feedback STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ODE staff recommends that the board take the following actions: Authorize ODE staff to carry out a facilitated independent adoption process in mathematics to support the purchase of CCSS materials until new legislation can be enacted; Summary of district survey results [28 district responses collected in January 2014] 86% of respondents indicate they either Strongly Agree or Somewhat Agree with the given recommendation 11% of respondents indicate they are Neutral with the given recommendation 4% of respondents indicate they Somewhat Disagree with the given recommendation 0% of respondents indicate they Strongly Disagree with the given recommendation 13

14 District feedback STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ODE staff recommends that the board take the following actions: Adopt a new schedule for the state level review of instructional materials. Summary of district survey results [28 district responses collected in January 2014] 85% of respondents indicate they either Strongly Agree or Somewhat Agree with the given recommendation 7% of respondents indicate they are Neutral with the given recommendation 4% of respondents indicate they Somewhat Disagree with the given recommendation 4% of respondents indicate they Strongly Disagree with the given recommendation 14

15 Adoption of new review cycle and implementation of a facilitated independent adoption process for math POLICY CHOICE BEFORE THE BOARD: Should the board authorize ODE staff to proceed with the state level mathematics review and adoption under the current state level review scheme and schedule as previously established by the Board, or Should the board authorize ODE to implement the facilitated independent adoption of CCSS math materials at the district and/or regional level and approve a new schedule for state level review of instructional materials? STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ODE staff recommends that the board take the following actions: Authorize ODE staff to carry out a facilitated independent adoption process in mathematics to support the purchase of CCSS materials until new legislation can be enacted; and Adopt a new schedule for the state level review of instructional materials. 15

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