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Senior Design Project “ MP3 Player ” Brian P. Allen Zeeshan A. Khan Jerry T. Koshy.

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Design Project “ MP3 Player ” Brian P. Allen Zeeshan A. Khan Jerry T. Koshy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior Design Project “ MP3 Player ” Brian P. Allen Zeeshan A. Khan Jerry T. Koshy

2 Objectives What? – Create a portable MP3 player Why? – To integrate software with hardware and implement our fundamental engineering knowledge.

3 MP3 Technology Introduction MPEG Audio Layer 3 File format Compressed Maintains quality Used for Music


5 Basic Steps of MP3 Player

6 Components Model

7 Selection Process Criterion Simplicity Economical Versatility Voltage Consistency Familiarity Compatibility Interfacing Ability

8 Microprocessor “Brain” Functions: User Input Retrieves memory data Commands to DSP Display Information

9 PIC16F877 key features Small instruction set (35) RISC Several I/O ports Operating voltage range (2.0v to 5.5v) Previous knowledge Low cost

10 PIC16F877 Pin Diagrams


12 Decoder Functions: Serial control Decompression Digital signal processing

13 VS1001k key features Single-chip solution Built-in DAC Built-in amplifier Handles MPEG layer 1, 2 and 3 audio 4kB built-in RAM Can handle variable bit rates

14 VS1001k Pin Diagram

15 VS1001k Block Diagram

16 Memory Functions Data Storage Nonvolatile Update data Transportable Increases data capacity

17 Multimedia Card key features High storage capacities Non-volatile solid state No moving parts Fewer pins than other devices Low power consumption Low cost

18 MMC Pin Diagram

19 MMC Block Diagram

20 Other Parts Power Supply LED’s Switches Crystal SOIC-DIP converter Voltage Regulator 3.5 mm Audio Jack

21 MMC to PIC FAT file system USB 2.0 port SPI interface Master/Slave GND VCC PIC DATA BUS

22 PIC Resets MMC & decoder SPI Commands Read memory sector Transfers data to decoder User Interface Display Interface

23 Decoder Data request Decoding Analog/Digital hybrid volume control DAC Stereo earphone driver

24 PIC to Decoder

25 Schematic

26 Budget Parts List ComponentQuantityPrice PIC16F877 Processor 1 $8.00 VS1001k Decoder 1 $25.00 SanDisk Multimedia Card 1 $24.99 Other Parts $30.00 Total $82.99

27 Schedule Phases: 1. Research & Component Selection 2. Preliminary Design & Ordering of Parts 3. Construction & Testing FebMarAprMayJunJulySepOctNovDec Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

28 Progress Completed: research, component selection and purchase, and preliminary design. Currently: programming microprocessor and constructing circuit.

29 MP3 player in the making (insert picture here)

30 The End

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