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CENBII Madrid, 15 th September 2015 NHS eProcurement strategy Steve Graham eProcurement Lead.

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Presentation on theme: "CENBII Madrid, 15 th September 2015 NHS eProcurement strategy Steve Graham eProcurement Lead."— Presentation transcript:

1 CENBII Madrid, 15 th September 2015 NHS eProcurement strategy Steve Graham eProcurement Lead

2 2 DH – Leading the nation’s health and care NHS eProcurement strategy Published 7 th May 2014

3 3 DH – Leading the nation’s health and care Key elements about standards not systems: GS1 coding standards PEPPOL messaging standards about interoperability: machine-to-machine processing supports patient safety drives supply chain efficiency

4 4 DH – Leading the nation’s health and care eProcurement mandate Applies equally to the NHS and its suppliers: NHS Terms and Conditions of Contract (August 2013) suppliers must place product data in a GS1 GDSN datapool NHS Standard Contract (April 2014) healthcare providers must comply with eProcurement guidance

5 5 DH – Leading the nation’s health and care Key GS1 and PEPPOL milestones ElementDelivery Letter sent to CEOs of NHS trustsDec 14 Training events for trust leads and senior managersMar 15 Acute trusts submit a strategic outline planJun 15 DH becomes a PEPPOL AuthoritySep 15 Six Demonstrator sites selectedNov 15 Demonstrator sites commence adoptionMar 16 Set up PEPPOL SMPMar 16 PEPPOL access point framework availableMar ’16 1 st Live transaction on PEPPOL transport infrastructureApr 16 GS1 and PEPPOL certification scheme in placeSep 16

6 6 DH – Leading the nation’s health and care PEPPOL demonstration A three month exercise with Purchase orders, ASNs and Invoices tested using buyers, suppliers, access points and PEPPOL transport infrastructure Celeris Ltd appointed to facilitate and administer the process

7 7 Demonstration of Technology Phase 1 – Engagement (March 2015) Invitation sent to all PEPPOL Access Point providers to participate, including high level requirements, background information and a template for completion Selection process completed Trusts and suppliers selected and ready to engage Phase 2 – Message Conformance (April 2015) Data mapping completed by APs for translation to/from the agreed PEPPOL document specifications for all mandatory fields PEPPOL Messages tested by Service Providers using the provided Schema and Validation Tool PEPPOL Messages tested and approved using an external Test Bed Phase 3 – End-to-end Testing (May/June 2015) Testing Message Exchange between Access Point providers Testing Message Exchange between Access Point provider and its respective NHS Trust / Supplier (testing client connection and conversion to PEPPOL BIS, including 3-corner model where applicable) End-to-end testing with all participants (testing 4-corner model) Testing Workflow (ensuring that messages are in the correct sequence and referenced to each other)

8 8 DH – Leading the nation’s health and care Next steps - adoption 43 GS1 and PEPPOL implementation plans received from NHS trusts 12 shortlisted for ‘deep dive’ and formal business case production – funded by DH 6 NHS trusts will receive funding to fully implement GS1 and PEPPOL Case studies will be published in Q3 2016 43/155 outline plans received equalling £7/22billion annual non-pay spend

9 9 DH – Leading the nation’s health and care Adoption spread 201620172018 6 Demonstrator sites 155 Acute trusts Adoption %

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