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1 1 Oslo Group Ottawa 2-6 February, 2009 Official Energy Statistics IRES Olav Ljones.

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1 1 1 Oslo Group Ottawa 2-6 February, 2009 Official Energy Statistics IRES Olav Ljones

2 2 What is official statistics ? No clear operational definition Still a trend to develop inernational official statistcis Starting point UN and Fundamental principles

3 3 Quality User perspective Independency, should be made available on an impartial basis by official statistical agencies Statistical agencies ? Important to include user contacts with regular consultations with key user Equal treatment of users

4 4 Quality - transparency metadata or information about definitions, data, statistical methods etc. information about the laws and regulations.

5 5 Quality - Best methods Official statistics has to be produced by the best methods and the highest professional standards. Quality and competence –the best competence in energy matters –the competence in official statistics methods Obligation to comment on erroneous use of statistics. A method for separating between official energy statistics and policy comments has to be established.

6 6 Data capture strategy Use data that already are collected Use administrative sources – for statistical purposes, with a one way traffic – no micro data from statistics to administration Reduce ersponse burden Electronic reporting Smart data Data storage – data warehouse, for energy purposes

7 7 The principles of confidentiality Important for energy – sensitive data Some implementation challenges due to concentration in industries Is it possible to find an acceptable and pragmatic solution ? Micro data for research

8 8 Quality – more Consistence and coherence International comparability

9 9 Organisational models for official statistics Centralised Decentralised The traditional stove pipe surevy is on it´s way out Use of administrative data. Based on close cooperation between ministries and official statistics

10 10 Balancing principles Key instrument Energy Balances All access to energy and all use/consumption Tranformation of energy Substitution between energy from different carriers? Energy all over the economy in value terms Prices

11 11 Why is official statistics important also for energy? Energy is so important

12 12 Actions for more official energy statistics 1. International recommendations. Concepts, Classifications. Methods, Balances and consistency. Energy produced and used. In physical terms and value terms. Consistency between international classifications 2. International databases of national official energy statistics. The databases should cover both data, statistics etc and “national best practices” for how to organise the system for official energy statistics. 3. An international system for the monitoring of quality of national energy statistics. 4 An international programme for capacity building

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