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Africa Renewable Energy Access Program (AFREA) Integrating gender into energy policies and projects Awa Seck, Senior Economist, World bank.

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Presentation on theme: "Africa Renewable Energy Access Program (AFREA) Integrating gender into energy policies and projects Awa Seck, Senior Economist, World bank."— Presentation transcript:

1 Africa Renewable Energy Access Program (AFREA) Integrating gender into energy policies and projects Awa Seck, Senior Economist, World bank

2 Presentation Outline World Bank efforts to address gender in energy sector Overview of AFREA program AFREA gender and energy program Example of activities in initial countries

3 World Bank efforts to address gender in energy sector World Bank efforts to address gender in energy sector Assessment of knowledge of gender issues among staff in the sector covering the six regions across the Bank Growing demand for gender integration into energy sector A donor supported program to foster a gender sensitive approach into energy operations in the Africa region, (i.e. Africa Renewable Energy Access Program (AFREA)

4 Snapshot of Gender in the World Bank 2001: MDG 3 - Promote gender equality and empower women 2006: Gender Action Plan (GAP) anchored in PREM Gender (transition plan commencing) 2008: President Zoellick’s 6 commitments on Gender Equality 2009: IEG Report: Gender & Development, An Evaluation of World Bank Support, 2002-2008 2010: AFREA Gender and Energy Pilot Program in Africa launched 2012: World Development Report (WDR) focus on development and gender equity 2014: IDA 16 & IBRD Targets (Established in 2010)

5 Africa Renewable Energy Access Program (AFREA) The Africa Renewable Energy Access Program (AFREA) is supported by the Netherlands’ $28.75 million contribution to the ESMAP Clean Energy Investment Framework Multi-Donor Trust Fund Objective: Meet energy needs and widen access to energy services in an environmentally responsible way (Pillar 1 of CEIF) Provides essential support to the World Bank Africa energy sector’s strategic agenda to promote increased access to modern energy in Sub Saharan Africa and is fully aligned with the overall strategic agenda

6 Goal: Integrate gender into ongoing and new energy operations within the Africa region Strategic approach: From Advocacy to Action Collaboration with AFREA Task Teams to review, assess energy projects for potential integration of gender component Built upon Gender & Energy Expertise at the Global, Regional and Local Level Focus on Results – On the ground learn by doing, side by side with task teams and clients to develop gender assessment and action plans that are relevant to projects and client needs AFREA Gender & Energy

7 Initial Countries – Mali, Senegal, Kenya & Tanzania Key Planned Outputs Technical Assistance, Tools and learning will be compiled into a toolkit for future interventions and projects Local, Regional and Global Experts will be identified and become part of a gender and energy network for the Africa region for knowledge sharing and future TA opportunities Energy task managers better equipped with real experience to integrate gender into projects

8 What does AFREA Fund ? Bank Executed Activities SWAP-Investment & Policy prospectus Lighting Africa Biomass Energy Initiative for Africa Africa Electrification Initiative Solar PV Toolkit Gender & Energy Gender & Energy Catalyzing New Renewable Energy in Rural Liberia Africa Energy Access Scale-Up Plan consultations Energy & Climate Change SWAP-Investment & Policy prospectus

9 Rwanda GEF Sustainable Energy Development Program Modernizing Biomass Energy Services in Benin Mali Energy Access for Productive Uses Senegal Mainstreaming gender into Progede II Catalyzing New Renewable Energy in Rural Liberia Lighting Rural Tanzania Mainstreaming gender into Tanzania Rural Energy Agency Biomass Energy Initiative for Africa- 12 pilots Lighting Africa Renewable Energy Education Project What does AFREA Fund? Recipient Executed Activities

10 Examples of project activities Mali & Tanzania Working with Rural Energy Agencies to identify gender focal points within the agency and develop a gender action plan Gender Action Plan – Examples Building a Gender Desk – focal point within energy agencies who can provide gender sensitive support to projects, activities and the organization Gender Awareness Training – for capacity building on gender sensitive approaches for energy organization Conducting a Gender Assessment – Reviewing portfolio of ongoing projects for gender mainstreaming as needed Local Interventions – working with project beneficiaries to identify needs of men and women in the communities and providing support to address needs (e.g. Women’s group identified need for information sharing, and training on marketing and accounting for productive uses of energy)

11 Examples of project activities (cont.) Senegal: Second Sustainable and participatory Energy Management Project (PROGEDE II) Retrospective evaluation of gender mainstreaming into PROGEDE I and based on lessons learned, integrate gender into all axes of PROGEDE II Capacity building on gender sensitive approach for stakeholders Detailed action plan to be discussed with ben eficiaries for project implementation

12 For more information: Adriana Eftimie Vanessa Lopes Katie Heller Awa Seck

13 M ARCH 22-24, 2011 – ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA Thank you MDB-Sponsored Regional Workshops to Mainstream Gender Equality in Infrastructure Policies and Projects D. Lallement. Senegal 2010

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