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Israel’s Neighbors. Egypt Location: separated from Israel by the Sinai Peninsula Egypt was not a threat to David or Solomon. After the kingdom was divided,Shishak,

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Presentation on theme: "Israel’s Neighbors. Egypt Location: separated from Israel by the Sinai Peninsula Egypt was not a threat to David or Solomon. After the kingdom was divided,Shishak,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Israel’s Neighbors

2 Egypt Location: separated from Israel by the Sinai Peninsula Egypt was not a threat to David or Solomon. After the kingdom was divided,Shishak, Egypt’s Pharaoh, attacked and raided the temple. He recorded his victory on the temple walls. Later Assyrians attacked and conquered Egypt.


4 Egypt Sinai Peninsula

5 Edom Located southeast of Judah. The Edomites were descendent of Esau; brother of Jacob, son of Isaac. The Edomites tried to keep the Israelites out of Canaan. David had defeated them at one point. They remained bitter and were a dangerous enemy.


7 Egypt Sinai Peninsula Edom

8 Philistia -Located along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. -They were a constant problem during the period of the judges; that is probably what led the Israelites to cry out for a king. -The Philistines controlled the use of iron and, thus, they had better weapons. -David conquered them and they were little threat to Israel.



11 Egypt Sinai Peninsula Edom Mediterranean Sea Philistia

12 Moab Located just to the east of the Dead Sea. The Moabites were the Israelites’ relatives through Lot, nephew of Lot. Moab tried to keep the Israelites out of Canaan. Moab’s more than likely did not have a hostile relationship with Israel; Solomon took Moabite wives.


14 Egypt Sinai Peninsula Edom Mediterranean Sea Philistia Moab

15 Ammon Located to the north of Moab and east of the Jordan River. Ammonites were cruel and fierce. Ammonites were descendants of Lot. David defeated the Ammonites. During Solomon’s rule the worship of Molech entered Israel from the Ammonites.


17 Egypt Sinai Peninsula Edom Mediterranean Sea Philistia Moab Ammon

18 Phoenicia -Located on the Mediterranean coast, to the West of Israel. -Phoenicia was one of the most neighborly nations to Israel. -Seafaring people and supplied Solomon with much material to build his temple. -After King Ahab made a military treaty with Phoenicia, Jezebel brought Baal worship into Israel.


20 Egypt Sinai Peninsula Edom Mediterranean Sea Philistia Moab Ammon Phoenicia

21 Aram Located just northeast of Israel. Aram had rich farm land and was larger and more powerful than Israel. David control Aram during his reign. After the kingdom split, Asa of Judah made a treaty with Aram against Israel. Aram was always a dangerous enemy of Israel.

22 Egypt Sinai Peninsula Edom Mediterranean Sea Philistia Moab Ammon Aram Phoenicia

23 Assyria -Located to the Northeast of Aram. -Assyria began to threaten Israel about 100 years after Solomon’s death. -Assyrian soldiers were cruel and dreaded. Prophets often warned Israel to trust and obey God or the Assyrians would conquer them. -Assyria invaded northern Israel first and then Samaria. -The Assyrians shipped many Israelites off into captivity and brought foreigners to live in Judah. Assyria was shortly thereafter conquered by the Babylonians.

24 Egypt Sinai Peninsula Edom Mediterranean Sea Philistia Moab Ammon Aram Assyria Babylon Phoenicia Persian Gulf

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