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Plano ISD 2014 United Way Campaign. Changing Lives in North Texas Forever.

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Presentation on theme: "Plano ISD 2014 United Way Campaign. Changing Lives in North Texas Forever."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plano ISD 2014 United Way Campaign

2 Changing Lives in North Texas Forever

3 3 Community Scorecards

4 Benefits of Education Community Goal Education Focus on early childhood intervention, gets kids on the right track from birth Increased earning power of community Increase in educated, qualified employable people 4

5 Benefits of Income Community Goal Income Reduced access of welfare systems Increase earned income = broader tax base Decreased crime Decreased incidences of domestic violence/child abuse 5

6 Benefits of Health Community Goal Health Increased preventative care & decreased ER care = decreased expenses Due to higher preventative care and increased medical homes, decrease incidence of obesity, increase in disease maintenance (i.e. - diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.) Increased access to health care, including prenatal medicine 6

7 A list of programs funded by United Way of Metropolitan Dallas is located at > About Us > Programs You’ll find a description of each program and the amount of funds received by the program.

8 8 Timeline Campaign materials delivered to Coordinatorsby August 29 th United Way Campaign September 8-19 Meetings with UW PresentationSept. 8 – Sept. 19 Return pledge packets to Communications Dept.September 24

9 Role of the Coordinator 1.Educate employees 2.Distribute campaign materials 3.Generate excitement and enthusiasm for the campaign and say THANK YOU!

10 Role of the Coordinator 1. Educate employees Through group presentations: –Consider existing staff meetings or special meetings –Use the typical agenda: –WelcomeCoordinator (you) –UW overviewUW staff –Dollars at workAgency Speaker –Campaign video(if time allows) –Q&A/Thank you Team Leader / UW Plano ISD does not directly or indirectly require or coerce employees to: 1) make or not make a contribution to a charitable organization or in response to a fund-raiser; or 2) attend or not attend a meeting called for the purpose of soliciting charitable contributions.

11 Role of the Coordinator 1. Educate employees –Discuss any first-hand experiences with United Way and ask for others to share –Thank individuals for their time and consideration –Remember, giving is a personal decision

12 Role of the Coordinator 2. Distribute Campaign Materials –Consider making brochures available at the meeting –Have paper pledge forms available –Be a leader

13 Best Practices 3. Generate enthusiasm and say THANK YOU! –Say Thank You! –Hang goal poster with total amount raised Plano ISD does not directly or indirectly require or coerce employees to: 1) make or not make a contribution to a charitable organization or in response to a fund-raiser; or 2) attend or not attend a meeting called for the purpose of soliciting charitable contributions.

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