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Sussex County Child Health Promotion Collaborative March 15, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Sussex County Child Health Promotion Collaborative March 15, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sussex County Child Health Promotion Collaborative March 15, 2006

2 2 Where we are… Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Meeting 3 Meeting 4 Meeting 5+ Implementation & Feedback Capacity Building Planning Partnership Building Four Phases

3 3 What we’ve accomplished… Education –Child health status –The impact of nutrition and physical activity on child health status –The 5-2-1-AN approach –An “idealized” vision of a 5-2-1-AN community –How a community coalition can mobilize a community

4 4 What we’ve accomplished… Partnership Building –Introductions –Inspirations –Idea sharing –Recruitment –Commitment

5 5 What we’ve accomplished… Community Focus –Initial focus on children under 18 in Western Sussex County –Possible eventual focus on all of Sussex County depending on community interest and resources

6 6 What we’ve accomplished… Community Goal –Every child knows and practices the 5-2-1- AN behaviors

7 7 What we’ve accomplished… Community Data –Demographic profile –Weight status –Eating & physical activity profile

8 8 What we’ve accomplished… Community Ideas and Assets –Community Idea Bank –Community Asset Bank –Community Vision Statements

9 9 What’s Next? Create a Community Vision Set Community Goals Adopt a Coalition Mission Make a Plan Build Capacity Take Action!

10 10 Today’s Objectives Create a Community Vision Begin Setting Community Goals –(if time allows)

11 11 Creating a Community Vision What is a Community Vision Statement? –Answers the question, “What will success for our community look like?” –Creates a shared sense of commitment and destiny –Essential for focusing mission, goals, actions

12 12 Creating a Community Vision Last meeting: –Collected more than 120 discrete vision statements –Organized statements into categories –Drafted a “Community Vision Statement” intended to capture the spirit and intent of the vision statements submitted

13 13 Creating a Community Vision Today’s Meeting –Critique the draft –(Ideally) adopt a Community Vision Statement

14 14 Creating a Community Vision Guidelines for a community vision statement: –Should be a panoramic view, not a street- level detail –Is assumed to be inclusive rather than exclusive –Is not a list of goals, but the evidence of goals having been met

15 15 Creating a Community Vision Draft Community Vision Statement for 2010 –Our children are growing up healthier as evidenced by a halt in the upward trend of childhood overweight. –More of our children are practicing healthy eating and physical activity using the 5-2-1-Almost None guidelines as appropriate to their age. –More of our parents and caregivers have the information and support needed to promote healthy eating, physical activity, and healthy weight for their children.

16 16 Creating a Community Vision Draft Community Vision Statement for 2010 –Our community environment is providing “360 degrees” of health promotion for healthy eating and physical activity, as evidenced by: Children, families, and a full range of public and private organizations who serve them are working together to help our children practice healthy eating and physical activity using the 5-2-1-Almost None guidelines. The cultural and physical environment surrounding our children and families is providing consistent messages and practical supports to help children practice healthy eating and physical activity using the 5-2-1-Almost None guidelines.

17 17 Creating a Community Vision Instructions: –Break into groups –One NHPS staff member will record –One NHPS staff member will facilitate (not steer) –Review the draft Community Vision Statement –Offer any suggestions for improve –One designee will present a summary list of suggestions from each group

18 18 Notes:

19 19 Group 1 A full range of public & private organizations are providing consistent messages throughout the cultural and physical environment and working together to help our children and families practice healthier eating and physical activity using the 5-2-1-AN concepts & ultimately supporting a decrease in child obesity & increase healthy lifestyles.

20 20 Group 2 Page 1 –More specific to Sussex County –Bullet 3 – more of our parents and caregivers have the information to model and promote healthy lifestyles through healthy eating and physical activity –Take out healthy weight (don’t want to emphasize wt) –Page 2 Our community environment is providing 360 degrees of health promotion for healthy lifestyles, as evidenced by…

21 21 Group 3 Page 1 –2010 goal year not realistic –2 nd bullet - “more of our families” –3 rd bullet - “through continuing education” –3 rd bullet – include 5-2-1-AN message –Emphasize decreasing screen time in relationship to physical activity –Use “practice” instead of “promoting” –specifically address each component of 5-2-1-AN –User actionable, plainer language for “360 degrees of HP”

22 22 Group 4 2010 is not that far away, but it’s motivating! Bullet 1 – change to “trend of overweight youth” 3 rd bullet – include statement for parental behavior change “support and practicing” Page 2 – community – include the word “modeling”

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