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Planning issues and challenges

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1 Planning issues and challenges
Group Presentations Planning issues and challenges

2 Why present in a group? Group presentations are common in the working world Employees are usually grouped in teams/divisions/departments Several presenters can be more effective than a single person Provides variety that keeps audience tuned in Skills and perspectives of several people can give a more complete message Can boost audience receptivity by providing balance of gender, age, ethnicity etc.

3 Planning a group presentation
Group presentation follow same principles as solo presentations same preparation, same structure, same audience analysis, same visual aids Group presentations require more planning than solo presentations Decision making requires discussion Coordinating roles can be a challenge

4 Planning a group presentation
Members need to agree on goals, timeline and approaches to collaboration. Once the overall plan is set, members can work on their individual parts on their own There is little advantage of having 2 or more members working on the same segment Some members can perform specialized jobs such as slide design

5 Planning a group presentation
STEP 1: Group and Task Orientation Essential to establish common understanding of task and what individuals and the group are meant to achieve. Establish yourselves as a group agree on how you will work together (form a schedule of meetings, a record keeping and messaging process, individual roles e.g.)

6 Planning a group presentation
Analyze the group task You need a common understanding of the task and what needs to be done. Analyze: the topic what your group is expected to do the criteria that will be used to assess your presentation.

7 Planning a group presentation
STEP 2: Scoping the project Aspects of group presentation that need to be agreed on: map the whole task and identify any special requirements e.g. use of handouts, audio-visual aids, models, resources who will do what: team leader, visual design etc.

8 Planning a group presentation
It helps to develop a chart for all group members showing the complete project: Task Useful Resources Group member Completion date Comments Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

9 Planning a group presentation
Establish a schedule of meetings (agreed dates and venues). Electronic discussion can be useful but you will need a minimum number of meetings, including a rehearsal, to ensure the quality of your presentation. Your meeting schedule must take everyone’s commitments into account.

10 Planning a group presentation
STEP 3. Develop a review process develop a systematic approach to monitoring your progress Think about how you will: give practical and encouraging feedback to each other? identify gaps in the material? re-allocate work if some parts prove easier or harder than others

11 Planning a group presentation
STEP 4. Plan the final presentation Once you’ve established your overall process and group goals you need to discuss HOW to do an oral presentation on the material decide on a presentation format and order of speakers agree on audio/visual aids for the presentation schedule rehearsals as a group and as individuals (peer review each other).

12 Questions to consider How much time does each presenter have?
How much time for the total presentation? In what order will everyone present? Who will precede and who will follow you and how, especially, can you link your remarks to theirs? Will the meeting have a moderator? If not, who will introduce you? Will you introduce the next presenter?

13 Format of group presentation Who will say what?
Organizing by topic Break presentation into segments Each speaker addresses one or more topics Effective when each topic calls for specialist expertise Organizing by task Assign different tasks to speakers Spokes person Example giver

14 The Introduction Especially important in group presentations
Helps audience to follow overall plan and prevents confusion First speaker needs to introduce all speakers and explain their roles in the presentation

15 Transitions Very important to help audience with change of speakers
2 ways of handling a smooth transition: Spokes person (if there is such a role) makes transition Every speaker makes transition to the next Important: relationship between preceding and following sections must be clear

16 The Conclusion Conclusions can be handled effectively in 2 Ways:
Given by the assigned spokes person Given by the last person to speak Be sure to restate the groups overall thesis and not only last remarks.

17 Last advice The most important thing:
it has to look like a team presentation—and not a series of loosely connected parts. Each segment should be integrated with the others to create a sense of fluent communication.

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