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BEST RESULT - EIE/05/201/SI2.420210 Building and Energy Systems and Technologies in Renewable Energy Sources Update and Linked Training January 2006 –

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Presentation on theme: "BEST RESULT - EIE/05/201/SI2.420210 Building and Energy Systems and Technologies in Renewable Energy Sources Update and Linked Training January 2006 –"— Presentation transcript:

1 BEST RESULT - EIE/05/201/SI2.420210 Building and Energy Systems and Technologies in Renewable Energy Sources Update and Linked Training January 2006 – December 2008 15 partners 7 countries Website:

2 OBJECTIVES To develop a working strategy in order to extend the market of small scale RES applications in the building and energy sector through common and local activities addressing RES suppliers and consumers. To open new market opportunities and raise suppliers’ awareness and knowledge of RES applications by providing information and suggestions on how to improve their positioning inside the market. Information and communication activities, targeting the general public or specific groups of consumers, will simultaneously support the demand side. To develop strategies in order to give better internal and external communication tools among all supply and demand actors of the building RES market. To obtain a good coordination and cooperation, at European as well as at national and local level, that will permit to carry out interesting activities, bringing a common result in this European project fulfilment

3 TARGET GROUPS SMEs associations involved in the house supply chain Single enterprises of the building system Professional associations of planners private consultants in the energy field energy suppliers, energy consumers (municipal, regional and national public sector) providers of products and services on renewable providers of materials and equipments for energy efficiency and maintenance companies secondary school teachers of subjects related to RES, house owners (even farmers) general public or consumers


5 EXPECTED RESULTS The direct outcomes are: To develop a basic and specialized training. To organise workshops, meetings and info-desks addressing RES suppliers. To communicate and to inform about events (info-points, meetings, conferences, training events, exhibits, etc.) To define strategies in order to raise awareness of RES opportunities among users. To publish the Code of Practice and the Guidelines on small-scale RES applications in buildings. To exchange visits in order to share know-how and practical experiences among partners. To create a web site and a common E- learning platform 1.Centro Regionale di Assistenza per la Cooperazione Artigiana, Società Cooperativa - IT - Coordinator 2.Unione Provinciale Artigiani – IT 3.Università degli Studi di Padova – Dipartimento di Processi Chimici dell’Ingegneria - IT 4.GFE Energy Management SRL - IT 5.Chambers' Group for the Development of Greek Isles - GR 6.SC CHIMINFORM DATA SA - RO 7.MID WALES ENERGY AGENCY Ltd - UK 8.Narodowa Agencja Poszanowania Energii S.A. - PO 9.Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Setubal - PL 10.Universdad de Valladolid Spain-ES - PL 11.ESCAN, S.A. - ES 12.Centre for Renewable Energy Sources - GR 13.Fundación CENER-CIEMAT (Renewable Energy National Centre) - ES 14.CARTIF Fundacion - ES 15.FUNDACION ASTURIANA DE LA ENERGIA - ES

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