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The Silent Witness A True Story of the Civil War Links to other resources: The Flag in the Civil War Women in the Civil War The Star-Spangled Banner Author:

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Presentation on theme: "The Silent Witness A True Story of the Civil War Links to other resources: The Flag in the Civil War Women in the Civil War The Star-Spangled Banner Author:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Silent Witness A True Story of the Civil War Links to other resources: The Flag in the Civil War Women in the Civil War The Star-Spangled Banner Author: Robin Friedman The Silent Witness A True Story of the Civil War Houghton Mifflin Company (NY); 2005 Book Summary: Lula, her family, and her beloved rag doll witness the events of the Civil War as they unfold right inside their plantation home. Setting: A plantation in Virginia during the Civil War from 1861 to 1865. Objective: Students will examine the lives of different Americans during the Civil War, including key figures such as Abraham Lincoln.

2 What would your life be like if…?  Write a diary entry describing a day in your life as a child in the Civil War. Choose one of the following: You are a young slave who is separated from his/her family and is escaping to the North for freedom. You are a young child who befriends a slave and teaches him/her to read and write. 2003004884/PP/

3 How do things look different today?  Create a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting the plantation houses and land from the 1860’s to today's homes and land areas. [ Appomattox Court House, Va. McLean house]

4 What message did you get from the Gettysburg Address?  As a newspaper reporter, you attend the public opening for the Soldier’s National Cemetery. You hear President Lincoln’s speech called the Gettysburg Address. Write a column for the paper summarizing Lincoln’s speech, include your reaction to the speech, and what message it sent to the audience and nation as a whole. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, Gettysburg

5 Standards  NCSS III. People, Places, and Environments  South Carolina Standard 4-6: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the Civil War and its impact on America. Indicator 4-6.5: Compare the roles and accomplishments of key figures of the Civil War, including Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Jefferson Davis, and Robert E. Lee.

6 References item/cwp2003004884/PP/ item/cwp2003004884/PP/ [Appomattox Court House, Va. McLean house][Appomattox Court House, Va. McLean house] Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, Gettysburg The Flag in the Civil War Women in the Civil War The Star-Spangled Banner

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