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Development an information and knowledge base model for collaborative network: case study virtual university Concepts and practice.

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Presentation on theme: "Development an information and knowledge base model for collaborative network: case study virtual university Concepts and practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development an information and knowledge base model for collaborative network: case study virtual university Concepts and practice

2 Challenges for universities in developed countries 1- visa issues 2- language barrier 3-fees 4 5 6 7

3 Challenges for universities in developing countries 1- recognition problems 2- lack infrastructure resources 3-Finding Faculties member 4-Social and cultural 5- after graduation 6-teching language

4 Current practice consortium-will-support-international- recruitment consortium-will-support-international- recruitment Effective International Recruiting Strategy for Tight Budgets

5 Advantages/disadvantages  Sharing resources  Save on promotion bought  Promotion of country Competition Less autonomy

6 Virtual University (VU) configuration A university is an institution of higher education and research, which grants academic degrees in a variety of subjects. A university is a corporation that provides both undergraduate education and postgraduate education. Popularly, the word virtual university is used to providing higher education programs through electronic media, typically the internet.

7 Virtual University (VU) configuration From collaboration networks context point of view: virtual university is a temporary alliance of universities that come together to share skills or core competencies and resources as well as students, professors and research projects in order to improve productability (e.g. education quality), and whose cooperation is supported by computer networks.

8 The VU creation process consists of three main phases Preparatory phase, including identification and characterization of a new collaborative opportunity (CO) arisen in the market/society, as well as a rough planning of a new VU to respond to this CO. Consortia formation phase, including search and suggestion of the best-fit partners for a new VU composition of a new VU, and negotiation among the candidate VU partners. VU launching phase, including detailed VU planning, contracting among the VU partners and the VU set- up.

9 Competency, competency framework and competency model in VU context Competency is the ability or capability to apply the required set of skills, abilities and related knowledge to perform certain task successfully in a defined work setting. Competency framework is a set of competencies and qualifiers that are reusable by numerous organization, teams, groups or companies to constitute different competency models. Competency model is an effective performance in a specific work setting or a particular variety of reusable competency and qualifiers, putting it a detail setting.

10 Competency, competency framework and competency model in VU context Competency in virtual university context can be defined as a set of information that is embodied by all available resources and corresponding activities in the life cycle which can be performed by those resources, as well as the knowledge about how these resources and activities could be effectively, efficiently and economically used. In the virtual university context competencies can be categories in two groups stockholders competencies and collaborative-Oriented competencies.

11 Competency in VU context

12 Research questions What is the suitable competency framework for virtual university What is the appropriate information and knowledge competency model for virtual universities.

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