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1 Quasi-periodic Oscillation of the Radio Emission of the Solar Plasma Structures and Their Nature G.B. Gelfreikh Central (Pulkovo) Astronomical Observatory.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Quasi-periodic Oscillation of the Radio Emission of the Solar Plasma Structures and Their Nature G.B. Gelfreikh Central (Pulkovo) Astronomical Observatory."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Quasi-periodic Oscillation of the Radio Emission of the Solar Plasma Structures and Their Nature G.B. Gelfreikh Central (Pulkovo) Astronomical Observatory RAS St,.-Petersburg, 196140, Russia Во время этого доклада может возникнуть дискуссия с предложениями конкретных действий. Используйте PowerPoint для записи предложений по ходу обсуждения: Во время демонстрации щелкните правой кнопкой мыши Выберите Записная книжка Выберите вкладку Действия Вводите замечания по мере поступления Нажмите кнопку ОК по завершении доклада В результате в конец презентации автоматически будет добавлен слайд Действия со списком внесенных предложений.

2 2 CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2 Historical background 3. Modern Instruments used 4. Methods of analysis 5. Oscillations in different structures 6. Main types of oscillation parameters 7. Physical nature of the radio oscillations 8. Significance for physics of the sun

3 3 1. INTRODUCTION The observations of the quasi-periodic pulsations of the microwave solar radio emission are made for about 40 years. Their effectiveness as a method of study of the physics of the solar plasma became especially evident in the last decade when new large high spatial resolution instruments have been used. The significant progress in usage of this method is due to some special features of the solar radio astronomy and radio astrophysics: -Regular full day observations with radio heliographs -Diagnostics of the magnetic fields in the solar corona -Simultaneous coverage of the total disk of the sun (no need for preliminary choice of the object to study)

4 4 2. Historical background The quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) at microwaves were first studied by the group of Prof. Kobrin in Gorkiy (Nizhniy Novgorod) in early 60st. The ground for the program was the discovery by optical method the 5 minute oscillations in the solar atmosphere. So, they tried to find similar effects using radio observations. However, usage of small (no spatial resolution) dishes limited the results obtained. Better, more reliable conclusions were made (Pulkovo, Siberian Institute of the Solar-terrestrial physics - Irkutsk) using small-spacing interferometers and polarization measurements. It was found that most significant QPO are due to the local radio sources connected with the solar active regions. Next few decades the study of the QPO were based on the large antenna dishes (22 – 64 meters in diameter). In this case separate ARs were analyzed with high sensitivity. Small details responsible for a particular period could not be identified. The last decade opened a new era in the problem due to observations with higher spatial resolution allowing to identify the position of the oscillting region.

5 5 3. Instruments used today for observations of the radio oscillations (1) Radioheliograph Nobeyama (=1.76cm) (2) Radioheliograph Badary (SSRT) (=5.4cm) (3) Radio Array VLA (=2-20cm) (4) Reflector r/t RATAN-600 (=1.7-32 cm) (5) Reflector dish RT-22 (=2-3.5 cm)

6 6 4. Methods of analysis In observations of the QPO at microwaves we deal mostly with nonstationary processes. So, classical Fourier transformation method is not applicable. Some versions of the wavelet analysis of the oscillation spectrum and its variation with the time were used. Such an approach yields the information on the length of a timescale of monochrome oscillations and variation of their frequency. Dynamic spectrum based on wavelet-transform Wavelet  - elementary function localizing both current frequency and time-coordinate

7 7 Nobeyama radio-heliograph: examples of image data

8 8 Typical non-stationary (wavelet-) spectrum of large sunspot (30.06.93: H = 2500N)

9 9 Short-time (3-min) oscillations

10 10 Dominant 3-min oscillations and weak amplitude long-periodic 10-100 min variations

11 11 Wavelet-entropy and typical time of reorganization of 3-min oscillation pattern

12 12 Time variations of intensity for sunspots 24.07.98: A) H=3000S,(23S,47E); B) H=2400N,(24S,57E); C) H=2000N,(32N,52E); D) H=2300S,(24N,01E).

13 13 Dynamical (wavelet-) spectra of sunspot oscillations, 24.07.1998

14 14 Not only large sunspots: radio-sources over polar faculae, flocculi and small spots

15 15 Long-time oscillations

16 16 Active Region NOAA 9866 15.03.2002 and radio-sources No 1-4

17 17 15.03.2002. Leading sunspot of bipolar group in AR NOAA 9866

18 18 NOAA 9866: Dynamical spectrum of Р-spot intensity T: 20-25 m, 32-38 m, 40-60 m, 115-120 m, ~ 200 m Period, minutes Time, h f = 100/T, min^(-1)

19 19 15.03.2002. Following sunspot of bipolar group in AR NOAA 9866 T: 20-30 m, 40-65 m, 90-110 m, 160-180 m

20 20 NOAA 9866: No 3 (flocculus)

21 21 NOAA 9866: деталь 4 (flocculus)

22 22 Comparison of over-sunspot (No 1) and over-flocculus (No 4) radiosources

23 23 Wave propagation V = 25 km/s Photosphere  1.76 – layer  of Solar atmosphere Intensity Time, h

24 24 Flares & oscillations

25 25 NOAA 9866: one day earlier (14.03.2002), Leading spot

26 26 NOAA 9866: following spot and flare V=30 km/c

27 27 Following-spot (flare): Leading-spot:

28 28 5. Some conclusions based on observations Practically all plasma structures of the solar atmosphere demonstrate in its radio emission some periodic oscillations. The oscillations may be registered in brightness, polarization, position of brightest point and QT-propagation inversion region. The periods of oscillations are found in the limits of fraction of a minute to hundreds of minutes. Even in one AR different though of similar structures show difference in periods. Shortest periods of about 3 minutes is a typical feature of sunspot-associated sources. However, longer periods up to hundreds are also significant and even dominating in some particular cases. (40 -60 minute oscillations are typical).

29 29 6. Main features of the QPO The five minute oscillations could be registered in most features but only as temporary non stationary effect. Most of QPO are clearly of non stationary nature though some few oscillation are very stable both in amplitude and periods. One can summarize that most oscillations belong to the following ranges of periods ~3, ~5, ~10, 20 - 25, 40 - 60, 90 -120, ~200 minutes. Typical time of stationary appearance of the 3 minute oscillations is about 15 min. Some variations of oscillation parameters were found in connections with the flare activity and development of the AR structure..

30 30 7. Physical Nature of QPO Observed radio oscillations are obviously the result of modulation of physical parameters of the region producing the radio emission. The presence of periodicity in oscillations submit the existence of a resonance structure for some kinds of MHD waves in the plasma of the solar atmosphere. However, the position of the resonator as well as its size may be quite different from those of the microwaves feature of the solar disk under investigation. We may propose 3 main types of the above situation: (1)The resonator coincides with the emitting region (2)The resonator is outside but close to the radio emitter (3)The resonator of global solar nature (e.g. 5 min oscillations)

31 31 8. Sunspot-associated sources –This type of the radio emission is generated in a very narrow geometrically region. Its geometry and position depending on a particular wavelength. For shorter part of the spectrum it originate in the CCTR with very high gradient of temperature and the size of the source depends strongly on the magnetic field strength or the wavelength. As a result, the radio method has extremely high sensitivity to oscillation effects (e.g. a few G in the field of 2000G typical for Nobeyma data). –Most prominent feature of the spectra are reasonably expected 3-minute oscillations due to some resonance process MHD waves below the radio emission – process widely studied by theoreticians, based on early known optical data. Radio observations presented new information related to high CCTR. –Oscillations in the range of 10 – 30 minutes are probably due to the effect of oscillations of coronal loops beginning in the strong magnetic tube of sunspot. –Besides strong, often the strongest oscillations are registered with longer periods, say 40, 80 minutes and longer. Such periods were found by a number of authors in sunspots earlier from optical observations but did not find proper theoretical study respond. Of special interest are some long period (more than an hour) with very stationary period parameters. Possibly they are really connected with global oscillations of the sun.

32 32 9. Discussion The application of the modern high spatial resolution radio telescopes to study the QPO at microwaves opened a new era in understanding its nature and significance for diagnostics of some plasma processes essential for physics of the sun. At the same time, we are very far from understanding all the phenomena we do observe. So, one may expect that in some future, if proper efforts will be made, our usage of the radio methods based on observations of the PQO will be much wider and include reasonable solutions of some problems concerning the nature and forecasting the flare and CME activity of the sun, processes leading to heating the corona, the helioseismology. Success in the developing the above methodology depends essentially both on the wider usage of the present day observations and further progress in constructing new instruments and methods of analysis, developing the solar physics as well.

33 33 Acknowledgments The work was supported by the State Research Programs “Astronomy”, the “Integration” (I0208.1173), the Scientific School grant 477.2003.2, INTAS 00-0543, grant of OFN-16 and grants of RFBR 02-02-16548, 03-02- 17357, 03-02-17528.

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