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The scheme for Modernization of State Police Forces (MPF), a non-plan scheme of Government of India (MHA), towards capacity building of State Police Forces,

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2 The scheme for Modernization of State Police Forces (MPF), a non-plan scheme of Government of India (MHA), towards capacity building of State Police Forces, is essentially meant for : Police Buildings (Residential and Non-residential) Communication Computerization Weaponry Mobility Equipments : Police Stations, Forensic Science Laboratory, Finger Print Bureau, State Intelligence, Training Infrastructure and Special Units. Mega City Policing for Bangalore City.

3 Government of Karnataka has been proactive in utilizing all the funds allocated by Government of India by ensuring availability of its share to the State Police without fail since the inception of Modernization of State Police Forces Scheme in the year 2000-01. From the years 2000-01 to 2002-03, 50% was Central share whereas 50% was State share, For the years 2003-04 and 2004-05, 60% was Central share and 40% was State share. For the years 2005-06 to 2008-09, Government of India's share has been 75% and Government of Karnataka's 25%.

4 Sl. No.Year GOI SHAREGOK SHARE Released Unspent Balance Released Unspent Balance 1 2000 - 2001 8285.000.008285.000.00 2 2001 - 2002 7697.99 0.007697.99 0.00 3 2002 – 2003 7500.00 0.007500.00 0.00 4 2003 – 2004 7000.00 0.004700.00 0.00 5 2004 – 2005 5886.82 0.004700.00 0.00 6 2005 – 2006 6585.00* 0.004128.00 0.00 7 2006 - 2007 6414.691004.731867.000.00 8 2007-2008 7865.35**1959.822624.000.00 Rs. in Lakhs Modernization funds released for the period 2000-01 to 2006-07 * Govt. of India released an addl. Grants of Rs. 10.00 Crores for clearing pending bills. ** Govt. of India released Supplementary grants of Rs.18.71 Crores on 31.3.2008.

5 A.Govt. of India vide letter Nos : 21011/38/2008-PM-I dated 30.4.2008 and No : 21011/14/2008-PM-I dated 25.07.2007 have conveyed the approval for total plan size of Rs. 8000 lakhs (Rs. 6000 lakhs as Central Share and Rs. 2000 lakhs as State Share) under MPF Scheme 2008-09 for Karnataka State. MODERNISATION OF STATE POLICE FORCES – 2008-09 B. MPF Grants released during the year 2008-09 Sl. No. Govt. of India Letter No and Date Amount Govt. of Karnataka Order and Date 01.No : 21011/38/2008-PM-I dated 30.4.2008 Rs. 10.00 Crores Order No : HD 11 PFS 2007 Dated 26.08.2008 02.No : VI-21011/14/2008-PM-I dated 07.08.2008 Rs. 16.80 Crores Order No : HD 58 POL 2008 Bangalore Dated 17.11.2008 and the funds released to various units on 01.12.2008 as per approved plan 03.No : VI-21011/14/2008-PM-I dated 10.11.2008 Rs. 11.0587 Crores Orders of Govt. of Karnataka is yet to be received. MPF Grants released directly to KSPHC LTd., during the year 2008-09 for the construction of Police Buildings (Residential and Non Residential) 04.Govt. of India Letter No : VI-21011/14/2008-PM-I, Dated 07.08.2008 Rs. 765.00 Lakhs 05.Govt. of India Letter No : VI-21011/14/2008-PM-I, Dated 10.11.2008 Rs. 300.00 Lakhs

6 C. Govt. of India vide letter No : 21011/38/2008-PM-I dated 30.4.2008 have conveyed the sanction for an amount of Rs.10.00 crores as the first installment under the Scheme for Modernization of State Police Forces 2008-09. In turn, Government. of Karnataka vide Order No : HD 11 PFS 2007 Dated 26.08.2008 had released the amount to DG & IGP. The grants allotted to various units under various heads as per the approved plan on 06.09.2008 are as follows : Utilisation Details of Rs. 10.00 Crores released in I Installment Sl. No. CategoryGOI fundsUtilizedBalance 1. Mobility 6,60,20,000.006,56,87,861.003,32,139.00 Procured 112 Jeeps / 250 Motor Cycles 2. Communication 1,12,00,000-00- Placed orders for VHF Repeaters (12 No.s) / Digital Oscilloscopes (10 No.s) / RF Signal Generators ( 7 No.s) for an amount of Rs. 44,75,740/- and Tendering process for the procurement of 5 Radio Analyzers is on hand. 6 Equipments 2,27,80,000-0033,00,000-001,94,80,000-00 Rs. 33.00 lakhs was utilized for providing infrastructure facilities for training Schools. For the remaining items, the procurement is under process TOTAL10,00,00,000-006,89,87,861-003,10,12,139-00

7 D. Government of India vide letter No : VI-21011/14/2008-PM-I dated 07.08.2008 have conveyed the sanction the President of India to the release of Rs. 1680.00 Lakhs as grant-in- aid to Government of Karnataka (2nd Installment). In turn, Government of Karnataka vide Order No : HD 58 POL 2008 Bangalore Dated 17.11.2008 has released this amount to DG&IGP. The funds released to various units as per the DG&IGP’s Release Memo dated 01.12.2008 for the procurement of the items as per the approved plan. Total Grants Released 37,45,00,000-00 Percentage of utilization : 46.86 % Utilized 17,54,87,861-00 Balance 19,90,12,139-00

8 Revalidation of Grants A Proposal was sent to Government of India vide GOK D.O. Letter No : HD/11/PFS/2007, Dated 02.05.2008 for the revalidation of the unutilized amount of Rs. 17,48,55,783.00 pertaining to the year 2006- 07 and Rs. 12,80,51,953.00 pertaining to the year 2007-08. Govt. of India vide their letter No : 21011/40/2008-PM-I Dated 29.05.2008 have conveyed the sanction for the revalidation of Rs. 17,48,55,783.00 pertaining to the year 2006-07 and Rs. 12,80,51,953.00 pertaining to the year 2007-08 for utilization during the current financial year 2008-09. In turn, Government of Karnataka has released the revalidated grants vide Govt. order No : HD 05 PFS 2008,Dated 07.08.2008 to DG & IGP. The funds release to the various units as per the approved plan. The details of utilization as on date is as follows : Year GOI Revalidated funds UtilisedBalance Percentage of utilization 2006-07 17,48,55,783-0043,82,640-0017,04,73,143-002.51 % 2007-08 12,80,51,953-002,53,75,000-0010,26,76,953-0019.81 %

9 2006-07 (Total Amount revalidated Rs. 17,48,55,783.00) Government of India vide their letter No : 21011/140/2008-PM-I, Dated 29.05.2008 have revalidated an amount of Rs. 17,48,55,783.00 and the details of items to be procured as per approved plan out of the revalidated grants are as below : Sl. No. UnitHead Amount Released Action Taken A. Mega City Policing : Rs. 10,01,73,851.00 1 Commissioner of Police, Bangalore City Surveillance Camera65000000.00 vide this office proposal No : STS- II/W/36/2008-09, Dated 24.11.2008 Government has been requested for permission to transfer the funds to KSPHC Ltd., Bangalore for procurement. Orders of the Government is awaited. 2 Equipments in lieu of "Communication Interception System“ viz., Crime-criminal analysis system, Mobile Phone Jammers, Under Carriage Vehicle Inspection 24000000.00Procurement of items is under process 3 Rapid Intervention Vehicle 6000000.00 Orders of Government granting exemption under KTPP Act for procurement of TATA Mini Vajra vehicle is awaited 4 Towards procurement of vehicles 73851.00Procurement of items is under process

10 5IGP, Hq- IWeaponry5100000.00 Exemption under KTTP Act has been obtained vide Govt. notification No : PWD/161/ACO/3/08 dated 15.05.2008 for procurement of weaponry from M/s. State Trading Corporation (Govt. of India Enterprise) – Action has been taken for procurement of weaponry. B. Communication : Rs. 7,00,00,041-00 7KSPHC Ltd., Radio Trunking System 70000041.00 vide this office proposal No : STS- II/W/36/2008-09, Dated 24.11.2008 Government has been requested for permission to transfer the funds to KSPHC Ltd., Bangalore for procurement. Orders of the Government is awaited. C. Mobility : Rs. 43.82.640-00 8SP, MTO Mobility - Bullet Proof of 1 Up Armoured Mahindra Vehicles 4382640.00 Payment has been made to M/s. Mahindra Defence System, New Delhi for the procurement of Up-Armed Mahindra Rakshak Vehicle approved by Vehicle Research and Development Establishment, Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence, Ahmednagar. and the amount fully utilized. D. Equipments : Rs. 2,99,251-00 9Equipment299251.00Utilization is under process TOTAL GRANTS REVALIDATED DURING174855783.00

11 2007-08 (Total Amount revalidated Rs. 12,80,51,953.00) Government of India vide their letter No : 21011/140/2008-PM-I, Dated 29.05.2008 have revalidated an amount of Rs. 12,80,51,853.00 and the details of items to be procured as per approved plan out of the revalidated grants are as below : Sl. No UnitHead Amount Released Action Taken A. Mega City Policing : Rs. 1,13,32,516.00 1 Commissioner of Police, B'lore City Telephone Call Analysis System1000000.00Procurement is under process 2Leased Line Connectivity666000.00Procurement is under process 3Concealed Weapon Detectors3000000.00Procurement is under process 4ADGP, PCWE-beat system4800000.00Procurement is under process 5 DIGP, WIRELESS Voice Loggers1866516.00 Short tender for the procurement of Voice Loggers for Districts Control Rooms is under process B. Communication : Rs. 2,09,00,346-00 1IGP, Hq-I Installation of Aerial Towers 60 Feet Towers (50 No.s) 100 Feet Towers (70 No.s 20900346.00 Work is under progress and nearing completion. C. Mobility : Rs. 27,36,777-00 2SP, MTO Mobility 2736777.00 Tenders have been finalized. Work has been entrusted to M/s. Bangalore Body Builders Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore for the body fabrication of buses meant for Home Guards.

12 D. Computerisation : Rs. 4,29,02,334.00 1ADGP, PCW 1. Establishment of VPN connecting all PS, Circles and subdivisions within Districts. 2. Extension of E-beat to remaining Police Stations in the State. 42902334.00Procurement is under process C. Mobility : Rs. 27,36,777-00 2SP, MTO Mobility 2736777.00 Tenders have been finalized, work has been entrusted to M/s. Bangalore Body Builders Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore for the body fabrication of buses meant for Home Guards. D. Equipments : Rs. 5,01,79,980-00 AIGP, IntSecurity Related Equipment20548000.00Procurement is under process BDIGP, WirelessSolar Power Packs25277000.00 Payment of Rs. 7463993/- was made for the procurement of 48 No.s of Solar packs, procurement of remaining solar packs at a cost of Rs. 1,78,13,007/- is under process. CIGP, Hqrs.,360 Panovision Camera98000.00 Panovision Camera installed and funds has been utilized. DSP, FPBFPB Equipments2605735.00Procurement is under process E FSL Equipments378434.00Procurement is under process FDIGP, WirelessVoice Loggers1272811.00 Short tender for the procurement of Voice Loggers for Districts Control Rooms is under process TOTAL GRANTS128051953.00

13 Expenditure details on XII Finance Commission Under 12th Finance Commission, a four year plan for Rs. 100 Crores has been approved for the financial years from 2006-07 to 2009-2010 for improvement of Police Administration in Karnataka State. 2006-07 As per the plan an amount of Rs. 25 crores has been released to the Government of Karnataka for the year 2006-07 in four installments at the rate of Rs. 6.25 Crores. Details of the grants released during the year 2006-07 are as under : Sl. No. HeadAmountUtilization 1.Communication 40000000.00100 % 2. Computerization 3000000.00100 % 3. Housing 167500000.00100 % 4. Mobility 31500000.00100 % 5. Equipments 8000000.00100 %

14 2007-08 As per the approved plan an amount of Rs.12.50 Crores has been released to the Government of Karnataka as 1st Installment and 2nd Installment vide Govt. of India Order No F.10(7)/FCD Dated 24.09.2007 and Govt. of Karnataka Order no : HD/10/PFS/2007, dated 05.11.2007 Details of the grants released and its utilisation are as follows : Sl. No. HeadAmount ReleasedAmount UtilisedAmount requested for revalidation 1.Mobility 3,68,00,000-0074,54,000-002,93,46,000-00* 2. Communication 4,00,00,000-00-4,00,00,000-00** 3. Equipments 46,00,000-00 - 4. Computerisation 76,00,000-00 - 5. KARP Mounted Coy. 1,00,00,000-0053,88,677-0046,11,323.00 6.Police Building2,60,00,000-002,60,00,000-0- TOTAL12,50,00,000-005,10,42,677-007,39,57,323-00 * Mobility : Out of an amount of Rs.368.00 lakhs released, 7 numbers of Rapid Intervention Vehicles (Mini Vajra) at a cost of Rs.74,53677 have been procured. With regard to remaining vehicles in the action plan, a proposal was sent to Government on 31.12.2007 to accord approval for partial modification in the plan. Government have since approved the modified plan. The procurement will be made as per the modified plan. ** Communication: Tenders were floated, however funds could not be utilized for want of technical evaluation from KSPHC Ltd.,

15 Revalidated grants of 2007 – 08 1.Vide this office letter No: ADGP/TTM/12FC/2007-08 dated 2.4.2008 a proposal was sent to Government of Karnataka for revalidation of unspent balance amount of Rs.7,39,57,323-00 under XII FC pertaining to the year 2007-08 for being utilized during the current financial year. The Government of Karantaka released this amount vide their order No : HD/03/PFS/2008 Dated 28.06.2008 to DG & IGP. The funds released by Govt. of Karnataka has been allotted under various heads as per the approved modified plan. 2.Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide letter No: F.10(7)/FCD/2005 dated 3.3.2008 has released III and IV Installment of Rs.1250.00 under XII FC pertaining to the year 2007-08. Government of Karantaka released this amount vide G.O. No : HD/10/PFS/2008 Dated 04.09.2008 to DG & IGP. The funds released by Govt. of Karnataka has been allotted for the construction of Police Buildings (Residential and Non Residential). Head Unutilized Amount Amount Revalidated Amount utilized Balance Mobility 293.46 292.011.45 Communication 400.00 200.00200.00* Equipments / Horses for KSRP Mounted Company, Mysore 46.11 - Buildings 1250.00 0.00 1989.59 1742.01247.56 Percentage of utilisation 87.55 % * vide this office proposal No : STS-II/W/36/2008-09, Dated 24.11.2008 Government is requested for permission to transfer the funds to KSPHC Ltd., Bangalore for procurement. 2008 - 09 During the current year i.e., 2008-09 No installments have been released so far under the XII Finance Commission.

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