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Early American Writing I. Historical Context
BEGINNINGS TO 1800 EQ: What kinds of challenges did early Americans face? Why would writers of the time want to record these challenges?
Early writers described land and people
A. The Meeting of Two Worlds What was life like in America prior to the arrival of the Europeans? Early writers described land and people Native Americans had well-established communities when Europeans arrived Writers chronicled Native American and European views of one another EQ: What kinds of challenges did early Americans face? Why would writers of the time want to record these challenges?
B. From Colony to Country Describe the significance of these names: Jamestown, the French & Indian War, The Declaration of Independence, and The Constitution The first permanent colony was established at Jamestown in 1607 Colonists did NOT have representation in England’s parliament and supported England economically French and Indian war- France allied with Native Americans to drive England out of North America Colonies declared their independence in 1776 which led to the creation of two important documents, The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States What was life like in America prior to the arrival of the Europeans? Describe the significance of these names:
II. Cultural Influences and Ideas of the Age Why did many Puritans leave England and come to America? A. Puritan Beliefs sought to “purify” Church of England Wished to return to simpler form of worship—more personal/ inner relationship with God Believed they were chosen from God Saintly “elect” would be spared from God’s punishment Hard work. Thrift, and responsibility were seen as morally good; these qualities led to financial success and thriving settlements Tended to be inflexible and intolerant of other faiths Why did many Puritans leave England and come to America?
B. The Enlightenment How did Puritan values contribute to the success of the settlements?
Colonists began to question previously accepted truths about who should hold power in government Led to a government “by the people” Deism is the view that God created a well-ordered universe, controlled by immutable laws and operating without divine intervention Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, and Thomas Jefferson were writers who questioned traditional authority Diaries and histories were seen as important records of the workings of God Recorded God’s works in their daily lives Simple, plain style Driven by religious beliefs Define Enlightenment and Deism: How did the Enlightenment concepts that had roots in Europe affect the American colonists’ relationship with Britain
C. The Great Awakening The “First Great Awakening”, led by preachers like Jonathan Edwards, joined people in the belief that a higher power was helping Americans lead an ethical life Reason and emotionalism led people to question traditional authority, eventually leading to the break from Britain’s control Rationalism is the belief that human beings can arrive at truth by using reason, rather than by relying on the authority of the past, on religious faith, or on intuition.
III. Early American Literature How did early American writing impact the colonists?
The Native American Experience Native Americans Were culturally diverse Had an oral tradition Had many genres of spoken literature Explored common themes, such as a reverence for nature and the worship of many gods
Literary Style Native American oral literature
Before written language was invented, people around the world used oral tradition to preserve their literature Historical narratives written by explorers, early settlers, and colonists Sermons, histories, and poetry of Puritan writers Political pamphlets that fueled the American Revolution The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution Contributions of women writers of the time
B. Exploration and the Early Settlers
Explorers: Columbus’s journals chronicle his four voyages to the Americas Cabeza de Vaca’s La Relaciόn tells of his failed expedition Samuel de Champlain wrote accounts of New England and the Iroquois
Early Settlers Settlers described the new land for those still in Europe Accounts helped English readers visualize North America Colonial histories Writers focused on the story of the new settlements and their larger purpose Equiano, an enslaved African, described his unjust treatment
C. The Puritan Tradition
Puritan writers Believed that writing should be useful and clear Prized reason, logic, clarity, and order Wrote histories, sermons, scientific works, and essays Cotton Mather chronicled Salem witch trials Delivered sermons contrasting good and evil Johnathan Edwards wrote fiery sermons Wrote poems with religious themes Means of exploring the relationship between the individual and God – Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor
D. Writers of the Revolution
Expressed ideas of Enlightenment Concentrated on political writing Used pamphlets to spread ideas Thomas Paine’s Common Sense Focused on natural law* and human rights People are born with rights and freedoms; it’s the government’s job to protect those freedoms Played a key role in the creation of a new nation Franklin, Hamilton, and Washington, among others, met and wrote the Constitution of the United States
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