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NET Foundation 2010. Trends in the South Contrast with the North Decreasing number of students theological educations (reason: security, work, church,

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Presentation on theme: "NET Foundation 2010. Trends in the South Contrast with the North Decreasing number of students theological educations (reason: security, work, church,"— Presentation transcript:

1 NET Foundation 2010

2 Trends in the South Contrast with the North Decreasing number of students theological educations (reason: security, work, church, family, money, distance) Millions of not prepared Christian leaders and pastors in Latin America and African countries Institutions characterized by teacher-centered education and limited capacity Limited mutual collaboration with other theological institutions Insufficient technological and financial means are constraints for extension and innovation Virtualization (e-learning) Constructivism Mass customization (flexibility) Open contents Globalization Competence-based learning Lifelong learning (everybody)

3 Vision The vision of NET Foundation is that bible-based theological education will be worldwide online available, enabling local Christian leaders, pastors and members (who due to social circumstances and obligations are not able to participate in a campus-based program) to be involved in this important education by means of online distance programs

4 Mission and services NET aims to provide theological and missionary organizations with easily accessible and innovative technology and – together with other NET platform members – to advance theological and related education in quality as well as quantity This includes: Offering high quality ‘in the cloud’ e-learning technology Fostering educational innovations Sharing knowledge and experience with NET participants regarding digital distance learning Contributing towards the transmission of the Christian faith and the Reformed spiritual legacy Advancing the global cooperation between missionary and theological educational institutes

5 Identity The identity of the NET Foundation can be defined as ‘Reformed Evangelical´. We acknowledge the Reformed Confession of Faith and the doctrinal statement of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES). The participants are requested to recognize the Bible as the inspired Word of God.

6 Technology in the cloud

7 Capacity strengthening at distance Access to new groups of students New educational materials online available Student flexibility (time, location, pace) Internationalization and global collaboration New revenue model Innovation of curriculum Access to new (distance) teachers and coaches New didactical and communicative instruments Application of multimedia (audio, video, chat, quiz, etc.) Exchange of materials with other institutions Opportunities of e-learning

8 Technological infra structure Student drop-out New vision development Costs and planning of implementation of change Resistance of staff due to changing roles Development of new pedagogical strategy Transformation of materials Multimedia expertise Communication and interaction Admission policy of students Challenges of e-learning

9 Learning Information Publication and organization Communication and mentoring Lectures and resources Assignments and collaboration Self-study and testing Learning Support Digital Learning Blended Learning Distance Learning Phases of e-learning substitution, innovation, transformation

10 Drs. M. (Maarten) Burggraaf Ir. H. (Henk) Kievit Dhr. J.G.P. (Paul) Baan Prof. dr. ir. H. (Henk) Jochemsen Prof. dr. A.C. (Ad) Neele Drs. G. (Gert) Nieuwenhuis (chair man) Prof. dr. M.J. (Mart Jan) Paul Prof. dr. ir. C. (Kees) Roos Ir. R.H. (Raymond) Warnaar (director) Board and staff

11 Positioning Theological institutions Diaconal-missionary organizations Technology LMS & Web 2.0 Communities of practice

12 Status quo Netherlands & North America Christian University Ede –In 2008: 30 students –End of 2009: more than 100 users involved Mission of Netherlands Reformed Churches –Training of field missionaries –Capacity strengthening church in Albany Jonathan Edwards Center –Development courses about life and works of Jonathan Edwards Reformed Mission League –Networking and sponsoring

13 Status quo Latin America Fundación Universitaria Seminario Bíblico de Colombia (Medellín) Seminario Bíblico Alianza (Guayaquil, Ecuador) Seminario Sudamericano (Quito, Ecuador) Seminario Teológico Nazareno Sudamericano (Quito, Ecuador) Fundación Universitaria Bautista (Cali, Colombia) Overseas Council International (OC)

14 Status quo Orientation Southern Africa Namibian Evangelical Theological Seminary (NETS) NetACT (Stellenbosch) Theological Institute Bloemfontein GKSA

15 Status quo Partners

16 Status quo Number of students and teachers

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