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Benjamin Franklin Was a key figure in Enlightenment, an 18 th -century intellectual movement that emphasized the use of reason and the scientific method.

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Presentation on theme: "Benjamin Franklin Was a key figure in Enlightenment, an 18 th -century intellectual movement that emphasized the use of reason and the scientific method."— Presentation transcript:

1 Benjamin Franklin Was a key figure in Enlightenment, an 18 th -century intellectual movement that emphasized the use of reason and the scientific method as means of obtaining knowledge. These individuals believed that one should obtain truth through experimentation and reason. Also, thought that knowledge learned would increase the way of life. Franklin’s experiment of flying a kite in a thunderstorm proved that lightning was a form of electrical power. He creates bifocals and heating systems know as the Franklin Stove. Help to prove his point. The Enlightenment also lead to changes on political thought. It caused individuals like Thomas Jefferson to believe that citizens should have individual rights.

2 The Great Awakening Jonathan Edwards, From Massachusetts, was a Clergy member that wanted to increase the intensity and commitment of the original Puritan ideals. He said that you had to do more than just go to church. You had to acknowledge your sins and feel god’s love. Preachers go from village to village to increase people’s ties to God. This religious revival is known as the Great Awakening. [1730s-1740s]

3 Great Awakening-Significance One of the first times that some colonists, Native Americans, and African Americans attended church. Leads to challenges of established churches and creates new denominations like Baptists and Methodists. Increases interest in higher education. Some protestant denominations create colleges. [Brown, Princeton, Columbia, and Dartmouth] Both Great Awakening and the Enlightenment show importance of the individual. People also start to question British control over their lives.

4 Quebec France began settling North America in 1534. In 1608, Samuel de Champlain founded the town of Quebec., Quebec is the first permanent French settlement in North America. After establishing Quebec, French priests and traders spread out all over the continent. The main purpose of Quebec was a permanent colony that was a fur trading post. The French also had better relations with Native Americans and would develop military alliances with them.

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