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Teleconferencing, Tele-Facsimile and Videotext

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1 Teleconferencing, Tele-Facsimile and Videotext
By Bhupendra Ratha, Lecturer School of Library and Information Science Devi Ahilya University, Indore

2 Introduction Teleconferencing is simply telephone conferencing. A telephone conference-call operator can arrange this setup among any three or more users. Users don’t need any special equipment beyond a standard telephone. Teleconferencing is an inexpensive way to hold a long-distance meeting and is often used in business. Teleconferencing can only facilitate the linking of people-it does not alter the complexity of group communication. Although it may be easier for us to communicate with teleconferencing, it may also be easier for us to miscommunication.

3 Basic requirement for Teleconferencing
The other components required for a TC system Audio input: microphones Audio output: usually loudspeakers associated with the telephone Data transfer: telephone network

4 Advantages One of the major advantages of teleconferencing is its potential to reduce the cost of group meetings. People (including outside guest speakers) who wouldn't normally attend a distant meeting can participate. Socializing is minimal compared to a FTF meeting therefore, meetings are shorter and more oriented to the primary purpose of the meeting. Some routine meetings are more effective since one can audio-conference from any location equipped with a telephone.

5 Cont… Communication between the home office and field staffs is maximized. Severe climate and/or unreliable transportation may necessitate teleconferencing. Participants are generally better prepared than for FTF meeting.

6 Disadvantages While teleconferencing is characterized by many advantages, it have also some disadvantages: Technical failures with equipment, including connections that aren't made. Unsatisfactory for complex interpersonal communication, such as negotiation or bargaining. Impersonal, less easy to create an atmosphere of group discussion Lack of participant familiarity with the equipment, the medium itself and meeting skills. Acoustical problems within the teleconferencing rooms.

7 Cont… Difficulty in determining participant speaking order frequently one person monopolizes the meeting. Informal, one-to-one, social interaction and eye contact don’t possible. To minimize some of the potential problems, users should carefully evaluate their meeting needs and goals to determine if teleconferencing is appropriate. Users should also assess their audience.

8 Tele-facsimile or Fax A facsimile or fax for short is a electronic machine. A fax machine contains a photo electronic cell which scans an image and converts the black, grey and white into electronic signal and so modulates the telephone carrier wave. The fax machine will also act as a receiver, able to decode incoming signals and print them as images on special paper.

9 Videotext Videotext or view data are the terms used to describe computer-based information systems which organize and display text and graphics in the form of an electronic book. The information is held on frames or pages each one numbered and linked to other pages.

10 Advantages of Videotext
A vast amount of information can be stored on the system and any of it can be rapidly accessed. The information can be easily and quickly updated without the need to reprint paper documents. It is available to anyone with access to a telephone line and a suitable terminal. In some systems rapid search techniques are available.

11 Disadvantage of Videotext
Availability of computer system must be required. Database creation process is so typical and it is time consuming process. It must be required technical staff to creating and managing database. It is electronic based service so power must be required.

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