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BA (Hons) Primary Education Year Three School Based Training Briefing 2015-2016.

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Presentation on theme: "BA (Hons) Primary Education Year Three School Based Training Briefing 2015-2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 BA (Hons) Primary Education Year Three School Based Training Briefing 2015-2016

2 What’s it all about? This briefing will not be ‘death by reading every PowerPoint slide’! We intend to share the student briefing with you as a document for discussion. We will then cover some key aspects/issues relating to the placement and intend to involve you in opportunities to discuss these and how they might relate to your school context. We will also provide opportunity for you to ask questions about the placement.

3 Key points to be explored in today’s briefing Key aspect of this Year 3 placement Intervention strategies that the students are required to focus on during the placement – an opportunity to discuss this later. What this might look like in your school; MMU’s expectations of a Year 3 student; Your expectations of a Year 3 student; Assessing the students and their files; What to do if there is a problem or concern At Risk and Grade 3 students.

4 Some Key Information Requirement to teach at least one PE lesson (more if possible) One target at interim must be a focus on ‘assessment’ Keep in touch via twitter – follow @MMUY3SBT

5 Over to you! Read through the student briefing PowerPoint (handout), discuss with your neighbour(s) and record any questions on post-it notes. We will take table group feedback and answer/comment on questions.

6 Consider what the interventions might look like or how it will work in your school. Make notes on this on your flip chart page for use later on.

7 What is involved in your role? Key Issues and Targets for Year 3.. Putting everything in place - who is who..? what to do if..? where is..? Agreeing Timetable Provide Schemes of Work/Medium Term Plans Lesson Observations - 1 per week, agreed, written feedback, focus on the Standards. (In addition to phonics and numeracy RoLOs) Progress Meeting - 1 per week, timetabled, protected – recorded on weekly mentor meeting record (appendix – handbook) Weekly Reviews - read Student’s files – engage with Joint observation with MMU tutor - Interim and Final Report - Interim and Final

8 What is involved in this placement? This is their final placement, therefore the expectations are high These students are being assessed against ALL of the standards and end of training expectations These students will have three strands to address during their placement – Whole class teaching – up to 80% by final two weeks of placement for good/outstanding students – 70% for others – Intervention programme – Specialism

9 Assessing the student RoLOs The Grading Criteria SMART targets Interim/Final Report Student files

10 Setting SMART targets for your student

11 A SMART TARGET Next week (TIME) : demonstrate your subject knowledge and challenge the children (RELEVANT) by asking higher order questions (Use Bloom’s Taxonomy to help you) Write 5 possible questions (SPECIFIC and ACHIEVEABLE) on your Lesson Plan. Check if this has moved the children’s learning forward using traffic lights (MEASUREABLE)

12 The Grading Criteria

13 Using the Grading Criteria

14 The Interim Report and Final visit

15 The Report combines the: The Grading CriteriaThe Interim and Final Reports

16 The Final Report and Visit

17 What does the intervention requirement look like? School A 10% time allocated to group intervention with a specific group in your base class throughout the placement e.g. 2 x 1 hour sessions or 4 x ½ hour sessions per week. OR 10 % with an identified group of children that the school would like you to target in order to have a positive impact on their progress. School B You may be asked to deliver to a ‘booster group’ in preparation for their National Curriculum tests/SATs. This might be the equivalent to half a day a week (10 %). It may be delivered in intensive blocks of time rather than distributed across the whole of the placement.

18 What does the intervention requirement look like? With your class mentor identify a suitable group of children (between 6 and 8 in number) Agree the core area to be focused on.(Maths, English or Science) Identify the time frame that the intervention will take place across. (When and across what period/length of time) Agree what specific areas of the core subject are to be covered. Identify the starting point/attainment levels for each individual child within the group and any specific issues/barriers that may have impacted upon their learning. Think about how progress will be tracked and monitored across the intervention period and in particular what ‘end’ assessment will be carried out. Determine if all assessment will be formative or if there will be some element of summative assessment involved. Research and plan. Map out what you propose to cover across the sequence of sessions. This will change as a result of your ongoing assessments and evaluations, but you need to demonstrate your initial aspirations for the children and their progression. Plan individual sessions and evaluate their impact upon the children’s learning.

19 In your table groups: From your previous discussions and your flip chart notes, pick out some key points to share with the whole group. What are the implications for you as a class mentor from the points raised on slides 17 & 18? Identify any questions that you might still have;

20 If you have a concern about your student….. Early Intervention Grade 3 students At risk at interim Problems after interim

21 Links between SBT and University studies 1 The intervention programme that the students will carry out will directly inform their assessed presentation for their core unit

22 Core 3 Unit – Overview “This unit links English, Maths, Science and Computing and explores how learning can be personalised within each of these areas. Issues and implications involved in personalising learning to support the progression of all learners are also investigated. This unit is designed to equip you to feel confident to plan progression for all learners in the core subjects. The assessment piece for this unit is an exploration and evaluation of the intervention that you manage for your small group during your block placement.”

23 Year 3 Handbook….. “During this placement, in addition to the evaluation and assessments for whole class quality first teaching, you will be required to focus in detail on moving the learning on for a small group of children. This will be in one of the core subjects. You will be required to show evidence of the impact of your assessment, planning and teaching upon the progression in the children’s learning and discuss this with your class teacher, your visiting tutor and an external examiner should you be selected. Evidence may include: your evaluations; children’s work; photographs; annotated lesson plans; comments in your phonics or mathematics booklets; comments from RoLOs and reports.”

24 Assessment Title Students will carry out a paired oral presentation which focuses on: specific pedagogic interventions in core subjects (one per intervention), in order to personalise the learning for a specified group of children. Students will identify, plan, deliver and critically evaluate their interventions during their school based training placement. They will consider pedagogical implications for their future practice. consideration of how the students can ensure successful delivery of any initiatives such as their interventions across an age range or whole school. Students will need to take account of management of change theories in this discussion.

25 What will students need access to? As discussed earlier, a specified group of students for whom they develop an intervention in ONE core area Dedicated time within the teaching % (approximately 10%) to be able to give to the intervention.

26 Links between SBT and University studies 2 For their ‘Areas of Expertise’, the students will also need some help from you….

27 Specialism 3 Unit. This unit enables students to continue to develop their knowledge, understanding and pedagogy in two areas of expertise. The focus of the unit is on developing students’ understanding into the role of the specialist/curriculum leader and the importance of ongoing research to inform continuing professional practice.

28 Implications Students need to be supported with opportunities to have experience of working in their areas of expertise (major & minor) and, where possible, working alongside specialist/curriculum leaders. This could be teaching in their base class, in another class, during extra-curricular sessions, lunch breaks or through dissemination of information/curriculum development materials to colleagues

29 Students will need to gather information in a systematic way to either identify or find out about ways in which their research focus is being addressed in their placement school. Extended contextual analysis This may include talking with children, teachers, curriculum leaders, both informally and formally. For example, students may wish to negotiate convenient times to conduct individual or group interviews. They may wish to share questionnaires with staff and or children and parents. They may wish to carry out small-scale teaching activities, i.e. small groups rather than the whole class to assess where children are at in relation to their research focus. Looking at children's work, displays around the school, resources, policy documents Observe teaching sessions. Draw on feedback from observed taught sessions. Leading to: Identification of an area which wish to focus on for research Students will need to return to carry out small-scale research focus. May work in collaboration with teacher, i.e. move aspect of curriculum forward – develop some materials to use OR small-scale investigation with group of children (cannot be the same as for Core 3 intervention)

30 Expectations of a Year 3 student Specific requirements that have been shared with the students are on slide 7 of the student briefing powerpoint. You can also access all these documents on the partnership website. What expectations do you have of a Year 3 student, now that you know what the placement is all about?

31 Expectations of a Year 3 student What expectations do you have of Year 3 students, now that you know what the placement is all about? What are your expectations? Below are some qualities/elements that you may wish to consider as a starting point. Specific requirements that have been shared with the students are on slide 7 of the student briefing powerpoint. You can also access all these documents on the partnership website.

32 Any questions?

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