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Warszawa, July 3rd 20061 Measurements of natural radioactivity in European underground labs within the ILIAS project Jan Kisiel Institute of Physics, University.

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Presentation on theme: "Warszawa, July 3rd 20061 Measurements of natural radioactivity in European underground labs within the ILIAS project Jan Kisiel Institute of Physics, University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warszawa, July 3rd 20061 Measurements of natural radioactivity in European underground labs within the ILIAS project Jan Kisiel Institute of Physics, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland (

2 Warszawa, July 3rd 20062 ILIAS ( „is an Integrated Infrastructure Initiative that has pulled together all of Europe’s leading infrastructures in Astroparticle Physics” „results from a consultation of the community and an internal reviwe process throught ApPEC” 20 participants + many non contactor institutions Three scientific poles: - Physics in deep Underground laboratories (Gran Sasso, Modane, Canfranc and Boulby) 1 Transnational access activity 3 Networking activities (Deep Underground Science Laboratories, Direct dark matter detection, Search on double beta decay) 2 Joint research activities (Low Background Techniques for Deep Underground Science, Integrated double-beta-decay European Activities) - Gravitational wave detection - Theoretical astroparticle physics

3 Warszawa, July 3rd 20063 What have been done? Gran Sasso Lab. (December 2004): in-situ measurements, radon emission from the surface, water samples measurements, Boulby Lab. (August 2005): in-situ measurements, radon emission from the surface, rock samples measurements, Sieroszowice/Poland, salt chamber: in-situ measurements, radon emission from the surface, rock samples measurements.

4 Warszawa, July 3rd 20064 6-17.12. 2004 r.

5 Warszawa, July 3rd 20065 Sample 1102938 Bq/dm 3 6.1 ± 0.46.5 ± 0.49.3 ± 0.59.4 ± 0.54.4 ± 0.34.3 ± 0.3 Sample 47561112 Bq/dm 3 11.4 ± 0.610.2 ± 0.55.8 ± 0.46.0 ± 0.55.0 ± 0.45.4 ± 0.4 Samples 1-10, 2-9, … were taken in the same place with slightly different methods (radan mobility!) – results are consistent LNGS measurements, Dec’2004 – cont. 222 Rn concentration in the water Liquid scintilator method (measured with Wallac 1414 WinSpectral liquid sintillation Counter, in Katowice), 12 measurements – see map)

6 Warszawa, July 3rd 20066 LNGS, Dec’2004: map of water samples measurements

7 Warszawa, July 3rd 20067 222 Rn concentration in the air HALL B point123456 Bq/m 3 170.4 ± 5.0174.0 ± 5.0189.6 ± 5.2193.2 ± 5.3297.6 ± 7.7194.4 ± 5.3 HALL AHALL C point789101112 Bq/m 3 189.6 ± 5.2187.2 ± 5.2160.8 ± 4.8249.6 ± 7.0246.0 ± 6.9324.0 ± 8.1 LNGS measurements, Dec’2004 – cont. Pico-Rad method (Insta-Fluor scinitilator, activate carbon, 48h exposure, 12 mesurements in Halls A, B and C)

8 Warszawa, July 3rd 20068 In situ measurements: HPGe detector (EG&G ORTEC): - 30% relative efficiency, - crystal length 59mm and diameter 58.6mm, - resolution: 0.67keV at 122keV and 1.73keV at 1.33MeV M-1 B32 (ORTEC) software for the determination of radioisotope activity M-1 geometry: detector mounted 1m above the surface, gamma emitters recorded from the area in a radius of 10m to a depth of about 30cm (depending on ground and photon enregy)

9 Warszawa, July 3rd 20069 Sieroszowice: KGHM copper mine with large (15x15x100m) salt coverns at about 1000m underground – possible location of an underground low background laboratory in Poland

10 Warszawa, July 3rd 200610

11 Warszawa, July 3rd 200611

12 Warszawa, July 3rd 200612

13 Warszawa, July 3rd 200613 Net Count Rate [cps] – in situ mesurements Peak Bi214-609 keV (Ra226) Ac228-911 keV (Th232) K40 - 1460 keV Gran Sasso 0.487 ± 0.0020.048 ± 0.0030.268 ± 0.002 Boulby 0.068 ± 0.0020.016 ± 0.0010.262 ± 0.002 Sieroszowice 0.038 ± 0.0030.006 ± 0.0010.020 ± 0.003

14 Warszawa, July 3rd 200614 Energy [keV]Gran SassoBoulbySieroszowice 50-270057.68 (0.05)17.00 (0.01)2.30 (0.02) In situ measurements: GS, Boulby, Sieroszowice Integral background counting rates

15 Warszawa, July 3rd 200615 226 Ra Bq/kg 214 Pb Bq/kg ( 226 Ra) 214 Bi Bq/kg ( 226 Ra) 212 Pb Bq/kg ( 232 Th) 228 Ac Bq/kg ( 232 Th) 40 K Bq/kg Gran Sasso 35 ± 332 ± 129 ± 17.9 ± 0.27.2 ± 0.594 ± 1 Boulby < 85.3 ± 1.84.5 ± 1.22.1 ± 0.22.6 ± 0.889.8 ± 1.3 Sieroszowice < 84.2 ± 2.32.5 ± 0.90.8 ± 0.40.7 ± 0.39.2 ± 1.7 In situ measurements: GS, Boubly and Sieroszowice

16 Warszawa, July 3rd 200616 Radon 222 Rn measurements in Boulby: Durridge RAD7 detector has been used in its sniff mode: - looks at the 6MeV alpha particles from the 218 Po decay, - variations of radon emission has been monitored by using 48-hours protocol, 1 hour intervals, - checks of „internal humidity” (detector works correctly if internal humidity < 10%) - mesurements in 4 points: 3 in JIF area + 1 in H area.

17 Warszawa, July 3rd 200617 Radon measurements: Boulby 2005

18 Warszawa, July 3rd 200618 Radon measurements in Boulby: results Mean (from 48 hours measurement) values: - H area: 2.3±1.7Bq/m 3 - JIF area 1 (Box2): 2.5±1.4Bq/m 3 - JIF area 2 (transport hall): 4.2±1.9Bq/m 3 - JIF area 3 (main lab): 2.5±1.9Bq/m 3 Conclusions: - mean values are „practically” the same

19 Warszawa, July 3rd 200619 Future plans (2006): 2 in-situ measurements in 2006 (Modane, Boulby and Canfranc): - use two (not one!) portable detectors, - HPGe detector (EG&G ORTEC) the „old” one, - GX3020 (Canberra Industries): possibility of measurements in different geometries!, with the minimum detectable activity about 0.1Bq/kg, - radon emission measurements, - rock and/or water samples measurements

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