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China. Nationalists v. Communists Communists opposed Chiang Kai- shek Civil War brakes out in China During WWII both groups in China came together to.

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1 China

2 Nationalists v. Communists Communists opposed Chiang Kai- shek Civil War brakes out in China During WWII both groups in China came together to fight the Japanese China was failing to provide for the Chinese workers and peasants were living in poverty and start supporting Communism In 1949 Communists led by Mao Zedong defeat the Nationalists Nationalist retreat to Taiwan. – Created the Republic of China. Ruled through Martial Law

3 Rise of Communism On October 1, 1949, Mao Zedong declares the Communist State of China. (The People’s Republic of China) Government is now in control of businesses and farms. All decisions are made through the government. Command Economy Distribution of Power – Unitary Citizens Role – Autocratic Ultimate goal of Communism… Create a classless society



6 Great Leap Forward Started in 1958 Intended to speed up China’s economy Create Farming Communes About 25,000 citizens lived on a farm All grow crops, run industries, educated their children and have health care… Government owns land, controls economy, social schedules and work schedules.

7 Great Leap Forward Became known as a huge disaster with in a year. Droughts and floods damaged food supply Communes failed to provide enough quality industry and food Result… 20 Million people died from 1958-1960 One of the largest famines in history People’s confidence in Mao Zedong declined


9 Cultural Revolution 1966-1976

10 Cultural Revolution Communist Government was calling for reforms to prevent other disasters Counter revolutionaries worried Mao. – Feared the country would be overthrown by capitalist 1966 Mao began the Cultural Revolution – GOAL : Stop all opposition to the Communist Party

11 Cultural Revolution

12 Cultural revolution Schools were shut down, Students were recruited to become Red Guards: Attacked and punished those opposed to communism Factories were shut down, making economy weak Healthcare and Transportation were denied to the Chinese People Only created more distrust of the Communist Government Mao Zedong is responsible for the worst genocide in the 20 th Century :(China, 1958-61 and 1966-69, Tibet 1949-50) 49-78,000,000 people Killed under his direction

13 Change of Power Mao Died in 1976 Cultural Revolution Ended Deng Xiaoping Reformed Mao’s ideas, but stuck to Communist Values

14 Tiananmen Square

15 Tiananmen Square April 1989 Protestors Filled Tiananmen Square for seven weeks. – Practicing their right of free speech – Speaking out against communism and wanting democracy – Other protests were inspired by this event Protestors were warned to stop, but when they didn’t the government sent tanks to the square and opened fire. – Disapproval across the world led China to improve and support human rights of its citizens.



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