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Act I scenes 4,5,6,7. At the palace, King Duncan asks Malcolm if the Thane of Cawdor's execution has taken place. Malcolm tells him that the nobleman.

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Presentation on theme: "Act I scenes 4,5,6,7. At the palace, King Duncan asks Malcolm if the Thane of Cawdor's execution has taken place. Malcolm tells him that the nobleman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Act I scenes 4,5,6,7

2 At the palace, King Duncan asks Malcolm if the Thane of Cawdor's execution has taken place. Malcolm tells him that the nobleman repented his actions. In response, Duncan says that there is no way of determining a person's thoughts, whether good or evil. The king says that the Thane of Cawdor betrayed him although he had absolutely trusted him. This is ironic because in the same way Macbeth plots to kill Duncan with a sweet and servile countenance. Because of the former Thane of Cawdor’s incompetence and betrayal Duncan awards Macbeth with the title at this time. The king also highly praises Banquo. Then, in front of the entire assembly, King Duncan proclaims his son Malcolm to be his heir to the crown. Which sends Macbeth into an alarm and he asks to leave the king to write a letter to Lady Macbeth informing her of the change in events and the 3 witches proclamations. Macbeth decides that the only way to prevent Malcolm from being king is to kill Duncan himself and thus become king.

3 Lady Macbeth reads aloud Macbeth's letter that details his encounter with the weird sisters. Full of determination and love for her husband, she resolves to convince Macbeth to carry through with the planned murders. She says that Macbeth is too kind and gentle to commit such an act, whereas she is more morally courageous and daring. Lady Macbeth is interrupted by a messenger who tells her that Macbeth and King Duncan will be arriving at Inverness, their castle, in a few moments. Momentarily stunned, Lady Macbeth realizes that this is her (Macbeth’s) chance to kill Duncan. She prays for confidence and unwavering resolve so that she can carry through with her evil intentions. When Macbeth enters, she orders him to appear to be a good hostess, and to be kind to the king. She does not want anyone to suspect them of their plans. She tells Macbeth to put his mind to rest, as she will conduct the whole murder.

4 King Duncan and Banquo enter Inverness (Macbeth’s Castle) and admire its beauty and advantageous situation. Lady Macbeth and King Duncan kindly greet each other, and Duncan informs her of his plan to stay overnight. With all of the hospitality of a good host, Lady Macbeth encourages everyone to make themselves at home.

5 Macbeth is confused about his course of action. Macbeth wonders whether the murder of Duncan is worth all of his effort; for a few moments of mortal pleasure as king, he may be condemned to Hell. In addition, he tells himself that the crime will be even more ghastly because Macbeth is Duncan's friend, subject and host. It is the assumed duty of the host to protect his guests, not kill them. Furthermore, Macbeth says that Duncan's virtuous nature will make his murder seem all the more brutal. Lady Macbeth enters the room and asks Macbeth why he is not dining with Duncan. Macbeth tells his wife that he does not want to proceed with their plans. She furiously asks Macbeth why he is so afraid to be the same in action as he is in desire. Lady Macbeth declares Macbeth a sickly coward. She assures her husband that they will not fail in their mission. Lady Macbeth explains that they will poison King Duncan and his servants' wine with sleeping pills and that Macbeth will murder Duncan in his sleep. Finally convinced by his wife, he agrees to carry through with the plans with the acting of a kind host.

6 Macbeth

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