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Drill Get 2 post-its and write your quantitative fact about the damage caused by Katrina on one, and the qualitative fact on the other. Put your desk #

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Presentation on theme: "Drill Get 2 post-its and write your quantitative fact about the damage caused by Katrina on one, and the qualitative fact on the other. Put your desk #"— Presentation transcript:

1 Drill Get 2 post-its and write your quantitative fact about the damage caused by Katrina on one, and the qualitative fact on the other. Put your desk # on front, your name on the sticky side. Two at a time, put post-its up on the board under appropriate category.

2 For Tomorrow Look online, in newspapers, listen to the radio and bring in two facts about the cost of the Katrina recovery effort.

3 Scientific Method The question of the day: -The chemistry of eggs! How can you tell a hardboiled egg from a raw egg? -Hurricane Katrina facts – we’ll probably get to that tomorrow. If you forgot, bring 2 for tomorrow. One of each type.

4 Eggs! Chemistry is the science that deals with processes that happen at an invisible scale. For something different, today we’re going to enjoy something that chemists rarely get to have – certainty! Why is it hard for chemists to have certainty? What’s the next best thing?

5 Eggs! Problem: Figure out which unknown egg is hardboiled + which is boiled. 2 minutes: I. Observe the eggs, don’t touch them yet. What is your Hø? What are you basing it on?

6 Eggs! 5 minutes: Make a list of 3 people/organizations/ publications that you might use to research this… if it were that important. It is today!

7 Eggs! 10 minutes: Plan 3 non-invasive procedures to obtain quantitative & qualitative data about hardboiled eggs and raw eggs. At least 1 quantitative & 1 qualitative. Write out each procedure step by step. One might be the one used in the class demo – if you miss a step, your Vanna White can’t fill it in for you.

8 Materials available: Graduated beaker Graduated cylinder Water Scale The clock Tray

9 The Experiment We’ll run through 4 different procedures. As we go through, take down the raw data points that we obtain.

10 Graph the data! Let’s meander on over to Excel.

11 End of the experiment Last 5 minutes of class: Was your Hø correct or incorrect? What is one thing that you learned from today’s activity? What is another kind of question you could answer the way we thought about eggs today? Would you have certainty?

12 Last slide! As you leave today, turn in your egg lab notes. Tomorrow we’ll talk eggs again. Remember your HW # 2 is due Friday.

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