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Youth Initiatives Actionworks RAPU Youthworks Outside The Square.

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2 Youth Initiatives Actionworks RAPU Youthworks Outside The Square


4 Actionworks A partnership between CDC and Work and Income Providing information, advice and guidance to young people aged 13-19 in Canterbury around education, training and work. High level goals: Reduce the number of 16 and 17 year olds going onto benefit Ensure all 18 and 19 year olds are in education, training or work

5 Actionworks Moving On - School Leaver Tracking – 39 of the 42 Canterbury Schools Focus on ‘Other’ Category Website – CV’s, jobs Text based Communication


7 Key Statistics A 60% drop in the number of 18-19 year olds receiving Unemployment Benefit A 89% increase of 18-19 year olds participating in training


9 Youthworks - 3 Areas Youth at Risk Alternative Education Project Early School Leaver Project

10 Youth at Risk & Recidivist Offenders Intensive case management (16 – 20 yr olds) Long-term and post placement support Employment subsidy Approximately 56% +ve outcomes

11 Response to Changing Statistics Youthworks clients – younger age range Met with MOE Approximately 400 Early School Leavers Another 130 young people attending AE Each year potentially 530 young people with low qualifications in Christchurch were exiting mainstream school

12 The Alternative Education Project Career info & planning (13 ½ – 16 year olds) Individual case management and group sessions Ongoing follow-up support 88% +ve outcomes

13 Early School Leaver Project Ongoing support to young people who receive or are wishing to apply for early school leaver exemptions (15 year olds) 79% +ve outcomes

14 Youth at Risk Project Youth @ risk – 84%male, 16% female 70% youth justice/police involvement 98% have no school qualifications AE & ESL Projects AE/ESL – 58%male, 42% female 40% youth justice/police involvement 100% have no school qualifications


16 RAPU Our kaupapa is to improve access to resources and provide culturally responsive services that enable Maori and Pasifika youth to achieve success in education, training and employment

17 RAPU Canterbury Statistics 80 % Maori are at 11 schools 80 % Pacific students are at 8 schools Goal to profile students and develop both individual and regional responses to identified needs analysis Push Factors - change the negative statistics Pull Factors – leadership and enterprise development

18 Interface with Rakatahi and Pasifika Youth Maori and Pasifika Youth development; Hothouse young leaders and develop an enterprise culture; Regional Maori and Pasifika Youth initiatives; A kohanga for the development of Maori and Pasifika Leaders. RAPU



21 Outside The Square Range of initiatives aimed at promoting youth enterprise and entrepreneurial activity Information portal mapping regional and national initiatives Co-ordination Youth Enterprise Cluster

22 Outside the Square Young Entrepreneurs Club Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) Enterprise workshops & seminars Online community Business camps Entrepreneur shadow experiences Youth Enterprise Cluster Enterprise Champions Network

23 a bit of theory hands-on application business links

24 Determine the Paths Education Training Work Start your own business

25 Youth Initiatives Actionworks RAPU Youthworks Outside The Square

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