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1680 1930 1960 1515. Optics Focus Dr. Marvin Minsky Confocal microscope: 1957.

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Presentation on theme: "1680 1930 1960 1515. Optics Focus Dr. Marvin Minsky Confocal microscope: 1957."— Presentation transcript:

1 1680 1930 1960 1515

2 Optics

3 Focus


5 Dr. Marvin Minsky Confocal microscope: 1957

6 LASER L ight A mplification by the S timulated E mission of R adiation Scanning Confocal Microscope Laser

7 Dichroic Mirror

8 Conventional / Confocal


10 The capability of an optical system to distinguish between two objects closely adjacent Resolution

11 The capability of an optical system to distinguish between two objects closely adjacent Resolution

12 The capability of an optical system to distinguish between two objects closely adjacent Resolution

13 Oversampling Resolution


15 Deconvolution


17 Conventional / Confocal / Biphoton

18 Manz at al. J Microbiol Methods 2000, 40:125-34. Fig. * Tissue sections of Chondrosia reniformis after hybridization with the Bacteria specific probe EUB338 AutoDeblur from Media Cybernetics Deconvolution

19 Frequency 255 0 Intensity 0 25 100 255 Image treatment

20 Colocalization

21 Battista et al. Endocrinology 2009; 150: 4180 FIG 2. Immunofluorescence detection of seladin-1 in rat adult fasciculata cells Colocalization Seladin-1Golgi Merge + Mask

22 Demandolx et al. J of Microscopy 1997, 185: 21 FIG 1. Double immunofluorescence labelling of fibroblast transfectants monitored by confocal microscopy. Ia k  MHC class II molecules are represented in green and the Ii chain is represented in red. Colocalization

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