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Exam I Review Game Africa & Middle East. Rules/Guidelines Each group will receive a question. After the first group is established, it will move clockwise.

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Presentation on theme: "Exam I Review Game Africa & Middle East. Rules/Guidelines Each group will receive a question. After the first group is established, it will move clockwise."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exam I Review Game Africa & Middle East

2 Rules/Guidelines Each group will receive a question. After the first group is established, it will move clockwise. If you get the question correct you will get 5 points, if you answer incorrectly you will have 2 points deducted. If a team answers incorrectly the question will go to the next group You have only 2 skips and cannot skip a question directed at your group

3 Africa More than half of Africa is covered by this? Desert

4 Middle East This group believes in establishing the rule of Allah on Earth; they believe in attaining martyrdom and purification of the ranks of Islam Islamic Jihad

5 Africa What are two colonial powers that divided up Africa? GB, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Netherlands

6 Middle East Three religions that originated in this region. Judaism, Christianity, Islam

7 Africa What is one improvement due to colonization? Hospitals, Medicine, Education, Transportation

8 Africa What were two negative consequences of colonization? Split up tribes, left weak infrastructure, social classes, exploited resources, dependent on foreign markets

9 Middle East Fertile land in the desert. Oasis

10 Africa Most African nations gained independence after this event. WWII

11 Middle East Tunisia’s dictator prior to the Arab Spring uprisings. Ben Ali

12 Africa The film Blood Diamond analyzed the process of extracting diamonds in this country Sierra Leone

13 Africa What is a serious problem for most African nations? AIDS, debt

14 Middle East President Mubarak was the dictator of this country prior to the Arab Spring revolutions. Egypt

15 Africa This regional organization was created in 2002 to open discussion, and trade between African countries African Union

16 Middle East Region of Northern Africa is called this. Maghreb

17 Africa Mount Kilimanjaro is located in this African country. Tanzania

18 Middle East What are the two bodies of water that are linked by the Suez Canal? Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea

19 Africa This is the only nation that imposed indirect rule on their colony? Great Britian

20 Middle East Savior chosen by God. Messiah

21 Middle East What are the 5 pillars of Islam? belief worship charitable giving fasting during the month of Ramadan the pilgrimage

22 Africa The documentary The Devil Came on Horseback is about this Arab group that has attacked the people living in Darfur. Janjaweed

23 Africa Rolling Plains Plateau

24 Middle East This fundamentalist is based in Afghanistan and Pakistan and has been internationally condemned due to its brutal repression of women. Taliban

25 Middle East Uprising against the Israelis by the Palestinian Youth Intifada

26 Middle East Jewish flight from Israel as result of Roman persecution Diaspora

27 Africa In 1884 colonizers met in this city to discuss how to carve up Africa. Berlin

28 Middle East This is a region of the Middle East where several ancient civilizations originated, and is located in modern day Israel, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. Fertile Cresent

29 Middle East Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu

30 Africa Longest river in Africa Nile

31 Middle East Tigris and Euphrates run through this country Iraq

32 Africa Apartheid occurred in this country South Africa

33 Middle East This angel came to Muhammad to give him Allah’s message. Gabriel

34 Africa Largest desert in Africa Sahara

35 Middle East This calls for Jerusalem to be an international zone UN Resolution 181

36 Middle East Name 3 issues blocking peace in the Israeli Palestinian conflict. H20, boarders, Jerusalem, Refugees, Security, Settlements

37 Middle East & Africa Select two conflicts one from each region and describe what kind of conflict it is.

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