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Forestry Aviation High School Invitational February 2 nd, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Forestry Aviation High School Invitational February 2 nd, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forestry Aviation High School Invitational February 2 nd, 2013

2 Slide 1

3 Slide 2

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21 A B C D E F H G I J K L Jürgen Berger, Electron Microscopy Unit, Max Planck Institut Identify the following structures on your answer sheet

22 A B C D

23 B AC

24 Tiebreaker 1 This Bristlecone pine tree is argued to be the oldest living tree alive today. How old is “Methuselah” estimated to be?

25 Tiebreaker 2 If all of the roots from a four-month-old rye plant (Secale cereale) were laid end-to-end they would measure an astounding ________ miles with a surface area of 6875 square feet. Furthermore, they would possess 14,335,000,000 root hairs!

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