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R Driver, J. (1998). The Neuropsychology of Spatial Attention. In H. Pashler (Ed.), Attention (pp. 297-340). San Diego: Psychology Press. Reviewer: Jooyoung.

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Presentation on theme: "R Driver, J. (1998). The Neuropsychology of Spatial Attention. In H. Pashler (Ed.), Attention (pp. 297-340). San Diego: Psychology Press. Reviewer: Jooyoung."— Presentation transcript:

1 R Driver, J. (1998). The Neuropsychology of Spatial Attention. In H. Pashler (Ed.), Attention (pp. 297-340). San Diego: Psychology Press. Reviewer: Jooyoung Jang

2 Goal and Focus of the paper Goal: review neurological studies of spatial attention with normal literatures in a convergent fashion Focus: deficits of spatial orienting of attention –Overt: turning eyes, head, or body toward stimuli –Covert: directing attention toward stimuli without moving Three disorders –Extinction & Neglect –Balint’s syndrome

3 Extinction Right-hemisphere damage Left extinction

4 Neglect Similar to extinction but severe –Ignore people approaching from contralesional side –Fail to eat food toward the contralesional side of the plate –Get lost when navigating because of a propensity to turn ipsilesionally at each junction bisection cancellation drawing copying Right-hemisphere damage = Left neglect Imaginal neglect

5 Balint’s syndrome associated with bilateral lesions (parietal lobe), unlike extinction and neglect (unilateral) –Severe difficulties in spatial localization; misreaching toward visual objects –Difficulty in executing saccades or in tracking a moving event once a visible item has been fixated; called fixity of gaze –Visual experience dominated by one object at a time; termed simultanagnosia; e.g., failing to light a cigarette because when they see the match they cannot see the cigarette and vice versa

6 Segmentation: space-based vs. object based Whether attention operates on space-based or object- based? Neuropsychological evidences supports hybrid view –Extinction is reduced when the two concurrent targets can be linked into a single group –Parallel with normal research Connecting disorder studies and normals

7 Unattended processing: early selection vs. late selection If normal subjects are asked to ignore, they don’t ignore –Solution 1: ask surprise questions –Solution 2: measure unattended processing indirectly –Results: attention can modulate early sensory responses but irrelevant stimuli can still be processed at attenuated levels Studies on the disorders also supports residual processing –Deficit in neglect attenuates or delays processing for contralesional stimuli, but does not completely eliminate such processing Connecting disorder studies and normals

8 Feature integration Disorder literatures support what studies on normal subjects have found Feature integration theory predicts that –deficits should affect only conjunction task, not feature tasks (since visual features coded independently in preattentive vision) or affect both but affect conjunction task more Connecting disorder studies and normals

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