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FASR Software Considerations Gordon Hurford SSL AUI – August 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "FASR Software Considerations Gordon Hurford SSL AUI – August 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 FASR Software Considerations Gordon Hurford SSL AUI – August 2007

2 FASR Telescope Control and Data Flow

3 Software Implementation Issues Diverse set of software tasks –Monitor and Control –Digital data processing firmware –Data Packaging Processor –Database management –Data Analysis –User interfacing No single institution has full range of expertise  Software development is a distributed task

4 Potential SSL Role Coordination of Software development –Responsible for ensuring software supports observational requirements, science goals and user expectations Interface management Calibration issues Testing etc Similar to role in RHESSI software development Scope of SSL role –~50% Hurford –1 or 2 additional personnel on site

5 Software for Prototype Phase Assuming resources are very limited Highest software priorities –Validation of calibration techniques –Validation of prototype hardware performance –Capability to demonstrate some new solar science Lowest priorities –Database issues –Pipelining –User interfacing

6 Prototype Phase - Software Implementation Interim Database –limited size –relatively mature format Analysis exploits existing packages where feasible –Cost effective at this stage –Helps evaluate feasibility of subsequent use Implement functional prototype of Data Packaging Processor

7 Prototype Version of Data Packaging Processor Supports limited number of baselines Limited fidelity in terms of hardware Full fidelity in terms of function Initial minimum version –Sends DSP output to disk with no value added –DPP processing functions applied offline –Output is to interim database.

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