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1. Bring textbooks to class Wed., Thurs. and Friday. 2. Tomorrow and Thursday will be test correction day. Test Corrections will be due at the end of class.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Bring textbooks to class Wed., Thurs. and Friday. 2. Tomorrow and Thursday will be test correction day. Test Corrections will be due at the end of class."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Bring textbooks to class Wed., Thurs. and Friday. 2. Tomorrow and Thursday will be test correction day. Test Corrections will be due at the end of class on Thursday. 3. Tomorrow and Thursday I will have dbq conferences. 4. Friday you will work on vocabulary. Vocabulary due Monday Sept. 23 rd. You may do your vocabulary on regular paper this time but remember to include “Who, What, When, Where and the significance. 5. You will have Chapter 5 Reading Test Thursday Sept. 26. 6. Get out paper for Chapter 5 Notes Warm up: Please take note of the following dates. 5 minutes


3 CNo talking HRaise your hand if you have a comment or question. A You will take notes in your binder. After each slide you will create an illustration that summarizes the information from that particular slide. These illustrations will be graded, so put them on a different sheet of paper. MNo walking PIllustrations are due at the end of the lecture.

4 Colonial Population Density, 1775

5 Melting Pot Germans were 6% of the total population in 1775. Many Germans settled in Pennsylvania, fleeing religious persecution, economic oppression, and the ravages of war.

6 Melting Pot Scots-Irish were 7% of the population in 1775. They were lawless individuals. By the mid 18 th century, a chain of Scots-Irish settlements lay scattered along the "great wagon road" which hugged the eastern Appalachian foothills from Pennsylvania to Georgia.

7 Melting Pot About 5% of the multicolored colonial population consisted of other European groups- French Huguenots, Welsh, Dutch, Swedes, Jews, Irish, Swiss, and Scots Highlanders.

8 The Structure of Colonial Society By the mid 1700s, the richest 10% of Bostonians and Philadelphians owned 2/3 of the taxable wealth in their cities. By 1750, Boston contained a large number of homeless poor, who were compelled to wear a large red "P" on their clothing. In all the colonies the ranks of the lower classes were further swelled by the continuing stream of indentured servants. The black slaves were the lowest in society.

9 The Structure of Colonial Society Most honored of the professions was the Christian ministry. Most physicians were poorly trained and not highly esteemed. The first medical school came in 1765. Epidemics were a constant nightmare. A crude form of inoculation was introduced in 1721. Powdered dried toad was a favorite prescription for smallpox. Diphtheria was also a killer, especially of young people.

10 Work Day in America Agriculture was the leading industry, involving about 90% of the people. The staple crop in Maryland and Virginia was tobacco. The fertile middle (bread) colonies produced large quantities of grain. Fishing was not nearly as prevalent as agriculture, but it was rewarding. Trade was popular in the New England group- New York and Pennsylvania. Manufacturing in the colonies was of only secondary importance.

11 Work Day in America Lumbering was perhaps the most important manufacturing activity. By 1770, about 400 vessels were splashing down the ways each year, and about 1/3 of the British merchant marine was American built. As early as the 1730s, fast-breeding Americans demanded more and more British products-yet the slow growing British population early reached the saturation point for absorbing imports from America. This trade imbalance prompted the Americans to look for foreign markets to get money to pay for British products. More trading with West Indies

12 Work day in America Molasses Act Roadways Postal System

13 Dominant Denominations Two established, or tax-supported, churches were conspicuous in 1775: the Anglican and the Congregational. The College of William and Mary was founded in 1693 to train a better class of clerics for the Anglican Church. Religious toleration had made tremendous strides in America. There were fewer Catholics in America; hence anti-Catholic laws were less severe and less strictly enforced. In general, people could worship or not worship as they pleased.

14 The Great Awakening Jacobus Arminius was a Dutch theologian who preached that individual free will, not divine decree, determined a person's eternal fate. The Awakening had an emphasis on direct, emotive spirituality and seriously undermined the older clergy. It started many new denominations and greatly increased the numbers and the competitiveness of American churches. Jonathan Edwards George Whitefield

15 Education English saw education as a blessing reserved for the aristocratic few. Primarily for males Puritan New England was more interested in education than any other section. Dominated by the Congregational Church, it stressed the need for Bible reading by the individual worshiper Middle and Southern colonies were reluctant scholars Emphasis was placed on religion and classical language Colleges: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia

16 Poor Richard’s Almanac He that lies down with Dogs, shall rise up with fleas. Eat to live, and not live to eat. He's a Fool that makes his Doctor his Heir. Great Talkers, little Doers Light purse, heavy heart. Marry your Son when you will, but your Daughter when you can. Three may keep a Secret, if two of them are dead.

17 Culture/Books Art and culture heavily influenced by Europeans. John Trumbull Phyllis Wheatley Benjamin Franklin 50 public libraries Hand operated printed presses: Pamphlets, leaflets and journals. Weeks behind Airing colonial grievances

18 Books…. A celebrated legal case in 1734-1735 involved John Peter Zenger, a newspaper printer. He was charged with printing things that assailed the corrupt royal governor of New York. The jury voted him not guilty to the surprise of the judge and many people. This paved the way for freedom of the press.

19 Politics By 1775, 8 of the colonies had royal governors, who were appointed by the king 3-Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware- were under proprietors who themselves chose the governors 2-Connecticut and Rhode Island- elected their own governors under self-governing characters. Nearly every colony used a two house legislative body. The upper house, or council, was appointed by the crown in the royal colonies and the proprietor in the proprietary colonies. The lower house, as the popular branch, was elected by the people.

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