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SHORT STORIES IV 4 “ The Smuggler” 4 “Split Cherry Tree” 4 “Grover Dill and the Tasmanian Devil” 4 “Fifty First Dragon”

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Presentation on theme: "SHORT STORIES IV 4 “ The Smuggler” 4 “Split Cherry Tree” 4 “Grover Dill and the Tasmanian Devil” 4 “Fifty First Dragon”"— Presentation transcript:

1 SHORT STORIES IV 4 “ The Smuggler” 4 “Split Cherry Tree” 4 “Grover Dill and the Tasmanian Devil” 4 “Fifty First Dragon”

2 “The Smuggler”

3 Epaulettes 4 Ornament on the shoulder of a uniform, now usually only as part of a military dress uniform

4 Denunciation 4 Expression of strong disapproval; public condemnation

5 Anonymous 4 By or from a person whose name is not known or given

6 Partisan 4 A strong supporter of a person, party or cause

7 Jettison 4 Throw (goods) overboard to lighten a ship or aircraft in distress

8 “Split Cherry Tree”

9 Fodder 4 Coarse food for horses, cattle, etc..

10 Withe 4 A willow twig

11 Pillage 4 Rob with violence

12 Protozoa 4 Members of four classes of microscopic, animal- like protists

13 “Grover Dill and the Tasmanian Devil”

14 Fetid 4 Smelling very bad, stinking

15 Carnivore 4 Animal that feeds chiefly on flesh, characterized by large, sharp canine teeth

16 Primal 4 Of early times

17 Nocturnal 4 Of the night

18 Marsupial 4 Mammals having a pouch covering the mammary glands on the abdomen 4 Can anyone give me an example???

19 Insurgent 4 Person who rises in revolt; rebel

20 “Fifty-first Dragon”

21 Malice 4 Wish to hurt or make suffer

22 Dexterity 4 Skill in using the hands or body

23 Indulgent 4 Giving in to another’s wishes or whims; Too kind or agreeable

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