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International Resource Coordination A CISTI Perspective Naomi IATUL 2002 6 June 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "International Resource Coordination A CISTI Perspective Naomi IATUL 2002 6 June 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Resource Coordination A CISTI Perspective Naomi Krym @ IATUL 2002 6 June 2002

2 Why CISTI? CISTI is a natural leader in resource sharing in Canada CISTI is uniquely positioned in Canada between government, academia and private sector

3 What is CISTI? Comprehensive STM information source National Research Council (NRC) –premier national R&D agency / facilities Mandate as the “national science library” and Canada’s largest S & T publisher Serves a wide Canadian and international client base –Document delivery services –Current awareness services –NRC Research Press publications –Products for innovation

4 Canadian Government Objectives Re-invest to ensure Canada in top 5 R&D nations by 2010 –knowledge-based economy –value for Canada in new technologies, business opportunities Strengthen Canada’s innovation system key to: –economic growth –improved quality of life

5 CISTI: culture & environment 1. Entrepreneurial (technology transfer) 2. Integrated (public sector / academic & international / national) 3. Collaborative (private & public partnerships) 4. Innovative (e-communication)

6 1. CISTI fuels Canadian entrepreneurship CISTI has close to 6,500 clients from Canadian industry Canada’s largest R&D enterprises are CISTI clients Outreach to SMEs through collaboration with IRAP

7 2. CISTI as partner and integrator Government research –NRC –Other government departments Universities –Consortia –Journal editors and peer review Health information libraries –National Network of Libraries for Health

8 3. Science & e-communication: new reality e-publishing Virtual libraries - NRC Canadian National Site Licensing Project - advisory role

9 4. e-Infostructure initiative Vision includes extending the infrastructure to the Canadian university research community $1M per year funding for 5 years from Federal Government Initiative will help ensure NRC’s long term access to electronic journals Component of the infrastructure for the proposed Federal Science e-Library

10 CISTI e-Business

11 CISTI enables “Resource Sharing” By partnering with: –NLC –Consortia –Link Partners By exploiting technology: –IntelliDoc –CISTI Source –ISO ILL Protocol

12 CISTI’s role in resource coordination is unique in Canada, bringing together a world-class collection, information delivery expertise and public / private / academic partnerships. CISTI: bridging the gap

13 Naomi KrymNaomi Krym 1-800-668-1222 (Canada & U.S.)1-800-668-1222 (Canada & U.S.) 613-993-9248 (direct line)613-993-9248 (direct line) 613-952-8244 fax613-952-8244 fax Thank You!

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