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Online-Offsite Connectivity Experiments Catalin Meirosu *, Richard Hughes-Jones ** * CERN and Politehnica University of Bucuresti ** University of Manchester.

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Presentation on theme: "Online-Offsite Connectivity Experiments Catalin Meirosu *, Richard Hughes-Jones ** * CERN and Politehnica University of Bucuresti ** University of Manchester."— Presentation transcript:

1 Online-Offsite Connectivity Experiments Catalin Meirosu *, Richard Hughes-Jones ** * CERN and Politehnica University of Bucuresti ** University of Manchester The ATLAS Computing Model Workshop, Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Oct. 3 rd, 2004

2 Catalin Meirosu Oct. 3rd, 2004 Outline What are we trying to prove and why Network setup Network measurements – tools and results Conclusion

3 Catalin Meirosu Oct. 3rd, 2004 Why Connectivity Experiments for ATLAS Bandwidth from the online not going via Tier-0 yet to be evaluated Clear requirement for direct outward flow for  Some calibration tasks  Many monitoring tasks Potential problem: ATLAS might be low on computing resources, especially at the beginning  Could require more use of offsite resources  Even occasional remote event filtering might be useful We also need to prove that the network can handle the traffic originating in the Tier-0  Tier-0/Tier-1 phase of DC2 will test part of this, but not high bandwidth At CERN, negotiations with bandwidth providers are happening now ! (carried on by the CERN IT, for all the LHC experiments)  Any substantial non-Tier-0 requirements need to be established quickly These experiments are a proof of concept:  How much bandwidth can be used on a connection with a given capacity  What can be achieved using ATLAS-related applications  Proof of capability of the existing TDAQ software interworking with remote sites

4 Catalin Meirosu Oct. 3rd, 2004

5 Catalin Meirosu Oct. 3rd, 2004 Bandwidth measurements The networking is layered, from the physical transmission media (layer 1) to the application (layer 7) Tests at layer 2,3  relevant when the remote and the local sites are logically in the same LAN  programmable Gigabit Ethernet network interfaces used for traffic generation  example: throughput between CERN – INP Krakow, August 2004:~1000 Mbit/s Layer 4 tests: TCP, UDP  Relevant for general-purpose, Internet-style connectivity  Performed tests between Geneva and Copenhagen, Edmonton, Krakow, Manchester  Test equipment: server PCs, running patched Linux kernels and open source software for network measurements Example: Geneva – Manchester The network can sustain 1Gbps of UDP traffic, but the average server has problems with smaller packets Degradation for packets smaller than ~1000bytes, caused by the PC receiving the traffic

6 Catalin Meirosu Oct. 3rd, 2004 Real application in an ATLAS context Simple request-response program  Emulation of the request-response communication between the SFI and EFD in the Event Filter  Runs over TCP/IP  The client sends a small request message  The server answers with an up to 2 MB message Results … to be understood EF SFI request event network ATLAS Event Filter scenario

7 Catalin Meirosu Oct. 3rd, 2004 Request – Response results, CERN – Uni. Manchester connection Good response of the standard Linux TCP stack if properly tuned, poor if not Need to understand TCP implementation issues, not only the generic protocol 800Mbit/s achievable with tuned stack, 120 Mbit/s without – the same end nodes were used in both cases ! Out-of-the-box TCP settings Tuned TCP stack 64 byte Request green 1 MByte Response blue

8 Catalin Meirosu Oct. 3rd, 2004 Network Monitoring Essential for End-to-End understanding  Reduced performance on data transfer applications is often due to packet loss … so where did the loss occur ? Need access to the statistics on the network providers’ routers along our paths Also need campus-level information, requires collaboration with people responsible for networking at each site

9 Catalin Meirosu Oct. 3rd, 2004 Conclusion We are investigating the technical feasibility of remote real-time computing for ATLAS Have exercised multiple 1 Gbit/s connections between CERN and Universities located in Canada, Denmark, Poland and the UK  Network providers very helpful and interested in our experiments Developed a set of tests for a throughout characterization of the network connections  Very good results obtained, due to the excess of bandwidth available in the backbone  Properly configured end nodes essential for getting good results with real applications Next steps  Complete the characterization of all the connections  Interested in replicating calibration / monitoring style traffic, when model available  Evaluate new data transfer protocols in ATLAS-specific scenarios  Explore some of the above topics over a 10 Gbit/s connection  Investigate the scalability of the TDAQ DataFlow in this scenario

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