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The PHENIX experiment for the RHIC Commissioning Run Achim Franz, BNL Session BE 05 - Ultrarelativistic.

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Presentation on theme: "The PHENIX experiment for the RHIC Commissioning Run Achim Franz, BNL Session BE 05 - Ultrarelativistic."— Presentation transcript:

1 The PHENIX experiment for the RHIC Commissioning Run Achim Franz, BNL Session BE 05 - Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ions I. Annual Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics October 20 - 23, 1999 Pacific Grove, CA Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy

2 10/21/1999DNP Meeting 1999, Achim Franz, Achim@bnl.gov2 What is PHENIX? Pioneering High Energy Nuclear Ion eXperiment An international collaboration of more than 400 scientists and engineers ~4000 tons of extremely sophisticated detector sub- systems A scientific adventure to – Understand the mystery of proton spin – Understand the densest, hottest matter ever formed on Earth – Search for and characterize new states of matter

3 10/21/1999DNP Meeting 1999, Achim Franz, Achim@bnl.gov3 PHENIX, the collaboration Brazil: Sao Paolo Canada: McGill China: CIAE Germany: Münster India: BARC, Banaras Hindu University Israel: Weizmann Institute Japan: CNS, Hiroshima, KEK, Kyoto, Nagasaki, RIKEN, TITech., Tokyo, Tsukuba, Waseda Korea: Korea, Myongji, Yonsei Russia: IHEP Protvino, JINR Dubna, Kurchatov, PNPI, St. Petersburg STU Sweden: Lund Taiwan: Academica Sinica U.S. National Labs: BNL, LANL, LLNL, ORNL U.S. Universities: Alabama-Huntsville, California-Riverside, Columbia, Florida State, Georgia State, Iowa State, New Mexico, New Mexico State, SUNY- Stony Brook, Tennessee, Vanderbilt Brazil: Sao Paolo Canada: McGill China: CIAE Germany: Münster India: BARC, Banaras Hindu University Israel: Weizmann Institute Japan: CNS, Hiroshima, KEK, Kyoto, Nagasaki, RIKEN, TITech., Tokyo, Tsukuba, Waseda Korea: Korea, Myongji, Yonsei Russia: IHEP Protvino, JINR Dubna, Kurchatov, PNPI, St. Petersburg STU Sweden: Lund Taiwan: Academica Sinica U.S. National Labs: BNL, LANL, LLNL, ORNL U.S. Universities: Alabama-Huntsville, California-Riverside, Columbia, Florida State, Georgia State, Iowa State, New Mexico, New Mexico State, SUNY- Stony Brook, Tennessee, Vanderbilt

4 10/21/1999DNP Meeting 1999, Achim Franz, Achim@bnl.gov4 Where is PHENIX? HEREHERE

5 10/21/1999DNP Meeting 1999, Achim Franz, Achim@bnl.gov5 What does PHENIX measure? Hadrons Final-state “debris” as quark-gluon plasma returns to ordinary matter. Vector mesons, especially J/  ’s – Look for their disappearance (~ melting) Photons “Real”  “Massive”  * (decays to e + e - or  +  - pairs)  The blackbody radiation from the collision

6 10/21/1999DNP Meeting 1999, Achim Franz, Achim@bnl.gov6 @ “IP8” at RHIC (Everywhere that fits): PHENIX the detector 2 “global” detectors 2 “central” spectrometers 2 “forward” spectrometers

7 10/21/1999DNP Meeting 1999, Achim Franz, Achim@bnl.gov7 Detectors used during the ER ZCal: 1 FEM, 8 channels BB4 FEM, 8 ch. each DC6 FEM PC2 FEM, 2160 ch. each TEC8 FEM, 64 ch. each EMCal2 FEM, 144 ch. each TOF3FEM, 16 ch. Each RICH electronic chain test only

8 10/21/1999DNP Meeting 1999, Achim Franz, Achim@bnl.gov8 In- and out-side the IR... BB-N ZCal RICH EMCal CM PC/DC BB-S TEC and TOF

9 10/21/1999DNP Meeting 1999, Achim Franz, Achim@bnl.gov9 On-line

10 10/21/1999DNP Meeting 1999, Achim Franz, Achim@bnl.gov10 Timeline 16 July 1999 1100hrs: Closed orbit for Gold beam achieved for the RHIC Blue Ring. 16 July 1999 1400 hrs: Beam Captured by the RHIC RF in the Blue ring. 02 August 1999 0300 hrs: ACCELERATION to the top of the mini-ramp in the BLUE Ring has been achieved. 05 August 1999 Beam life in the RHIC Blue Ring at Injection energy extended to more than 45 minutes. 08 August 1999 1530 hrs: Over 120 complete turns of beam seen in the YELLOW ring. 12 August 1999 RHIC has been declared OPERATIONAL by DOE. 14 August 1999 Beam Captured at injection by the RHIC RF in the YELLOW ring at a frequency 42 Hz (1 mm in radius ) different from the beam in the BLUE Ring.

11 10/21/1999DNP Meeting 1999, Achim Franz, Achim@bnl.gov11 Here’s the beam with magnets ramping

12 10/21/1999DNP Meeting 1999, Achim Franz, Achim@bnl.gov12 Signals in the ZDC and Beam- Beam Counter PM marked ‘green‘ were operational, ‘red’ indicates a signal above threshold.

13 10/21/1999DNP Meeting 1999, Achim Franz, Achim@bnl.gov13 Tracks in the EMCal DAQ was triggered by energy seen in EMCal Top: charge integral (ADC counts) Bottom: Threshold crossing time (TDC counts)

14 10/21/1999DNP Meeting 1999, Achim Franz, Achim@bnl.gov14 Highlights of things to come, part 1 TOFPC3 muonTR TEC

15 10/21/1999DNP Meeting 1999, Achim Franz, Achim@bnl.gov15 Highlights of things to come, part 2 TEC/PC3 installation, last week DC/PC1 ready to be installed

16 10/21/1999DNP Meeting 1999, Achim Franz, Achim@bnl.gov16 Still outside the wall Watch daily progress @

17 10/21/1999DNP Meeting 1999, Achim Franz, Achim@bnl.gov17 Other presentations related to PHENIX [JG.13] PHENIX Online Control System [BE.06] The PHENIX Time Expansion Chamber with the First Beams at RHIC [BF.02] High Energy Beam Test of PHENIX EM-Calorimeter at CERN [JD.02] Inclusive photon spectrum reconstruction in the PHENIX EMCal (standalone) [JD.03] Gain Tracing for the Large PMT-based Calorimeter System in the PHENIX [JG.14] PHENIX Timing System [BF.01] The RHIC Spin Program at Phenix [JG.12] Centrality Trigger Algorithms for the PHENIX Detector NEXT !! [JG.09] Zero Degree Calorimeters for RHIC, Results from the Commissioning Run

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