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Why do we look the way we do?

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Presentation on theme: "Why do we look the way we do?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why do we look the way we do?
Genetics Why do we look the way we do?

2 Inheritance of chromosomes
Egg + sperm  zygote egg zygote sperm

3 How does this work? Paired chromosomes have ___________________ but __________________________ eye color (blue?) eye color (brown?) hair color

4 What did we show here? Genes come in “versions” brown vs. blue eye color ___________________ Alleles are inherited separately from each parent brown & blue eye colors are separate & do not blend either have brown or blue eyes, not a blend Some alleles mask others brown eye color masked blue

5 Traits are inherited as separate units
For each trait, an organism inherits _________________________________________ a __________________ organism inherits 1 set of chromosomes from each parent __________________________________ 1 from Mom 1 from Dad

6 Remember meiosis! B BB BB = brown eyes bb = blues eyes Bb = brown eyes
Making gametes B BB BB = brown eyes bb = blues eyes Bb = brown eyes b bb B b Bb Remember meiosis!

7 B BB BB = brown eyes b bb = blues eyes bb B Bb Bb = brown eyes b
How do we say it? BB B BB = brown eyes bb = blues eyes bb b Bb B b Bb = brown eyes

8 B b BB Bb B b Bb bb X male / sperm female / eggs Punnett squares
Bb x Bb male / sperm B b X BB Bb B b female / eggs Bb bb

9 Genetics vs. appearance
There can be a difference between how an organism looks & its genetics appearance or trait = ________________ brown eyes vs. blue eyes genetic makeup = _________________ BB, Bb, bb 2 people can have the same appearance but have different genetics:

10 Genetics vs. appearance
How were these brown eyes made? eye color (brown) eye color (brown) eye color (brown) eye color (blue) vs. BB B Bb B b

11 Meiosis

12 Homologous Chromosomes
Chromosomes that have a corresponding partner from each parent.

13 homologous chromosomes double stranded homologous chromosomes
Paired chromosomes Homologous chromosomes both chromosomes of a pair carry ________________ control same inherited characters ____________________________________ diploid 2n 2n = 4 eye color (brown?) eye color (blue?) homologous chromosomes double stranded homologous chromosomes

14 Cell division / Asexual reproduction
Mitosis produce cells with __________________ identical daughter cells ___________________ clones ____________________________ same genetic information Aaaargh! I’m seeing double!

15 Single-celled eukaryotes yeast Paramecium Amoeba
Asexual reproduction Single-celled eukaryotes yeast Paramecium Amoeba Simple multicellular eukaryotes Hydra budding What are the disadvantages of asexual reproduction? What are the advantages?

16 Haploid vs. Diploid A cell that contains only one set of chromosomes is _________________________ A cell that contains both sets of homologous chromosomes is ________________________

17    + 46 46 92 What if we did, then…. egg sperm zygote
How about the rest of us? What if a complex multicellular organism (like us) wants to reproduce? joining of egg + sperm Do we make egg & sperm by mitosis? What if we did, then…. 46 + 46 92 egg sperm zygote

18 Meiosis Goal: Reduce genetic material by half Why? from mom from dad
child meiosis reduces numbers of chromosomes by half

19 How do we make sperm & eggs?
Must reduce 46 chromosomes  23 must ______________ the number of chromosomes ______________ 23 46 zygote 23 46 egg 23 46 23 sperm gametes

20 Meiosis makes sperm & eggs
46 chromosomes to 23 chromosomes half the number of chromosomes 23 46 egg 46 23 sperm

21 Meiosis = reduction division
special cell division in sexually reproducing organisms _______________________________ _________________ half makes _____________ sperm, eggs

22 Meiosis: two cell divisions
homologous Chromosomes separate Sister chromatids separate Result: ONLY one copy of each chromosome in a gamete.

23 double stranded gamete
Meiosis 1 overview double stranded Divide 1 1st division of meiosis Line Up 1 prophase 1 metaphase 1 telophase 1 gamete

24 Meiosis I : the reduction division (2n n)
Prophase I (early) (diploid) (late) Metaphase I Anaphase I (haploid) Telophase I

25 Homologous chromosomes___________ __________________________

26 Crossing over creates ____________

27 Meiosis II Gene X Meiosis II produces gametes with one copy of each chromosome (thus one copy of each gene)

28 4 Bye Bye 2 Line Up 2 Meiosis 2 overview telophase 2 telophase 1
metaphase 2

29 Meiosis II : the equal division
Prophase II (haploid x 2) Metaphase II Anaphase II (haploid) Telophase II

30 Sperm and Egg formation

31 The value of meiosis 1 Consistency over time
meiosis __________________________________________ from generation to generation Mom from Mom Consider the greater variation with 23 pairs of chromosomes = mixing and matching Dad offspring from Dad

32 meiosis _______________________________
The value of meiosis 2 We’re mixing things up here! Change over time meiosis _______________________________ gametes of offspring do not have same genes as gametes from parents new combinations of traits Consider the greater variation with 23 pairs of chromosomes = mixing and matching from Dad from Mom offspring

33 How does this explain: family resemblance & differences!
Why are the kids so similar to the parents but not exact? Michael & Kirk Douglas Baldwin brothers Martin & Charlie Sheen, Emilio Estevez

34 “Putting It All Together” - Fertilization

35 Putting it all together…
gametes 46 23 46 23 46 46 46 46 46 23 46 46 egg 46 46 23 zygote sperm

36 What Meiosis is About Meiosis allows the creation of unique individuals through sexual reproduction.

37 Meiosis & mitosis Meiosis to make gametes ___________________ Mitosis to make copies of cells __________

38 MITOSIS MEIOSIS Produces cells for repair,
maintenance, growth, asexual reproduction Only produces gametes- sex cells (egg/sperm) Results in Reduction division results in


40 Mitosis Meiosis # of divisions # of daughter cells
Genetically identical? Chromosome # Where When Role

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